Working to Fulfill God’s Dreams

A guest post from YWAM Louisville staff member Amos Ford.

What does it take to fulfill a dream? You might say many things like determination, clear vision, or “not giving up”. Often examples are cited of people like William Wallace in the epic movie Braveheart, or of the neighbor kid with a lemonade stand down the street who saves his meager earnings for the new bike. Many of us have had dreams. I think of some of my early years as a young teenager growing up in a farming community dreaming of going hunting and getting the big buck.

What’s in a dream? At least a part of it is an earnest yearning that touches the deepest part of you. That is why we are so willing to “do whatever it takes” to see it through. What is it that God dreams for? Does he have dreams? Does he have yearnings? I think that as we are created in the image of God, we can learn from how he made us to give us hints as to who he is.

The Bible teaches us that he “came to seek and to save that which was lost”.  Jesus came and, among some of the worst injustices ever encountered in humanity, showed us what is on God’s heart and what he dreams about.

What is it going to take to fulfill the dreams of God? Many times I don’t think of the dreams of God in the same light as other dreams. I just assume that they will happen. But I believe it requires the same dedication that is required to fulfill any other dreams. A determined spirit that will not give up. A clear vision of what that dream is. An understanding of who the lost are, and where they call home.

People who will never give up until all have heard and everyone has had a chance to respond. That is what it will take to fulfill God’s dreams.

Who is with me?


Amos Ford works toward fulfilling God’s dreams by serving as one of our leaders here at YWAM Louisville. He and his wife Amy helped pioneer our training center in 2007 and have been discipling our students and developing young leaders ever since. 

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