YWAM Louisville
Find Something Greater and Live For It

Develop Your Calling, Grow Your Relationship With God, and Share the Love of Jesus Through YWAM Louisville

Find Something Greater

Experience the adventure of a lifetime in a Discipleship Training School (DTS) here at YWAM Louisville. You’ll discover more of who God is and how He’s made you as you learn from His Word and travel His world.

Then Live for It

Then you’ll take your growing love for Jesus and share it with others on an eight-week overseas mission trip.


Our goal is for the truth to sink deep into our hearts, changing us from the inside out.

Wondering what your days will look like at this YWAM location? A typical day is full of opportunities to learn and grow, but also leaves time to hangout with friends.

Do not know how to raise the money for a DTS? Here are some of the ways past students have raised the money.


What People Say About DTS


My relationship with the Lord navigated in ways I didn’t expect. I learned to trust and surrender, and find joy in times of challenge, none of that confidence being found in me but rather in the Lord. I really learned when you see the Lord come through you can’t not trust him.“

"I grew up going to church all my life but it wasn't until DTS that I truly got to know who God was. In DTS, I read all of the old testament for the first time and learned that I don't need to be perfect to earn the Lord's love. He loves me in good times and the hard times."

Lia-Yitalo (1)
Adrian-Lee (2) (1)

Before coming to YWAM I didn’t know what it meant to have a relationship with God: how to listen to Him, how to spend time with Him, how to love Him and how to accept His love. Going to YWAM helped me learn all these things and what it truly means to be a follower of Christ.

"My time at YWAM Louisville deepened my relationship with the Lord in finding joy in surrender and letting go of destructive habits. I have learned to build healthy relationships with the people around me knowing that God is trustworthy. In that way I also allowed God to break down walls that hindered me from receiving love.”

Lydia-Malitte (1)

“My time at YWAM helped to grow my relationship with Christ immensely. While there, I learned that I am not only loved by the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth, but that He longs for a relationship with me, that He can and does speak to me. I now have a closer, more loving, and more personal relationship with the Lord than I ever had before.”

Dedicate a Year To Missions

11-Month Gap Year

Learn to grow your relationship with God, build community with others, and discern God's call on your life. Combine your YWAM Discipleship Training School (DTS) with a School of Ministry Development (SOMD).

Save Time Finding Purpose

Instead of going to university lectures in courses you are unsure whether you actually want to learn, pay for books you don’t want to read, or rack up debt that you will need to pay back, why not do a YWAM Gap Year? Focus on what you love to do and find God's purpose for your life.

Addie's testimony about the impact of YWAM DTS in her life

I would recommend DTS to anyone who wants to deeply know the Lord.

I've found freedom from pride in my life and have learned that to truly love people, I have to see them as He sees them. I am now more equipped to choose the Lord over myself.

Isaac talking about the transformation of the YWAM DTS

I have been completely transformed.

I came to DTS to escape things at home and ended up being completely transformed. I wanted to know God but I didn't know my life was going to be changed the way it has been.⠀

Risi on her outreach with YWAM.

I feel free. I've stepped out of my comfort zone and I have a greater confidence in hearing God's voice.

Coming here has shown me I can have my own relationship with God and it doesn't have to look exactly like anyone else's. I've found freedom through forgiveness and in relationships. I am more confident in speaking out and I've grown in trusting people.⠀

Parker sharing about how DTS impacted his Life

My view of God changed the week we learned about the father heart of God.

We learned about what it means for His love to be unconditional and that He's not the same as our earthly fathers.

I have hope for myself in what I can do in the future. I have vision for how I can help others seek God and see how He loves them as much as He loves me.

See Our Campus

YWAM Beliefs & Values

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Who We Are

Youth With A Mission (YWAM) is a global movement of Christians from many cultures, age groups, and Christian traditions, dedicated to serving Jesus throughout the world. We unite in a common purpose to know God and to make Him known.

To learn more about how YWAM formed, read our founder's book: Is That Really You, God?

Learn More About YWAM

Learn more about our YWAM schools and mission trips

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