The City is Alive

“The people who live in Louisville love it and they’re passionate about it. She’s a city that’s comfortable in her own skin. Louisville’s a city that isn’t trying to be anything more than what it is: a mid-sized city with a wonderful art scene, food scene, plenty to do and a wonderful sense of community.”

What a great way to say it.
Louisville is a city that’s easy to love.

Something we’re often asked is why choose Louisville to live in? Out of all the places we could go, why here? It’s hard to explain to you every reason we love this city and it’s hard to fully articulate the appreciation many of us here at YWAM Louisville now have for the place we call home. BUT we’re going to try in this post!

1. Local Places

Louisville is original to it’s core. While you will find major restaurant and grocery chains, there are too many local places to count! The streets are lined with local cafe’s, restaurants and boutiques. Our food, coffee, and shopping scene are never boring. 

2. The City is Alive

She is alive with events and activities that are always happening. There is always something to do! Whether you and your friend are chilling at one of the many the local coffee shops, walking from Kentucky to Indiana on the walking bridge, or hitting up a live concert, there’s always something to do! Boredom is definitely a choice here.
We also have some cool museums around town. The Louisville Slugger Museum, Kentucky Derby Museum, Muhammad Ali Center and plenty more you can check out!

3. The Parks

There are so many parks to hangout at. Whether you’re wanting a nice afternoon walk or to go camping for the weekend, we’ve got some pretty great places to do that. There’s Cherokee Park, Tom Sawyer, Red River Gorge and more! Then there is Waterfront Park that’s along the Ohio River where there are concerts, a splash pad and constant events happening! 

There are also parks all over the city where you can jump in to play a game of basketball. This just contributes to the welcoming community you’ll find here in Louisville. Basketball, frisbee, even cricket! We’ve got a variety going on here. 

4. Diversity in Culture

Speaking of variety, after asking several people what they love about Louisville, one of the commonly given answers was the diversity in culture that exists here. You can see it in our restaurants, art murals, schools, churches, people, and events. During the summer it’s common to have international markets and fairs held in various places around the city. You’ll find wonderful Indian, Mexican and Vietnamese (and more) food choices all over. Even taking a walk through one of our many parks. In one part you might see a pickup game of basketball going strong, soccer kicking off across the field, a frisbee soaring through the sky, and a family playing cricket – all in one park! We’re not just one type here, but a beautiful blend of cultures.

5. The Art Scene

Our buildings are littered with art murals of various kinds. You’ll never have a boring background for your instagram page (get ready to take cool boomerang’s when you come). We also have different art museums for those of you who enjoy admiring all forms of art! You can even find places to make pottery, paint, cookies and canvas, develop your photography abilities and so on. Again, you won’t get bored with the art scene here in Louisville!

6. She Feels Like Home

Finally, to some Louisville is considered a big city. While it can definitely seem busy, it has the feel of a small town. There’s always plenty to do here and new people to meet but it has a homey and welcoming environment everywhere you go. I came from a large city (Indianapolis) where I felt like just another face in the crowd. Most of the things that were going on were things I was never interested in or couldn’t actually afford to go to. After moving to Louisville though, I feel like I can go anywhere and count on being welcomed and treated with kindness. I’m not just another face in the crowd, but this is a city that puts forth effort to help you feel seen, heard and known. We might not know you, but we won’t let that stop us from treating you like family. 

* See bottom of post for additional tidbit

These are only 6 out of many reasons we love this city! We wouldn’t be able to put every reason Louisville is wonderful into a post because, well, the list is endless! I invite you to come and join us sometime to experience Louisville and all she has to offer. She won’t disappoint.

*Okay, if you’re planning on visiting, moving to, or passing through Louisville, Kentucky, do not pronounce it as “Lewis-vill.” Any local (or anyone who’s said it wrong since living here) will tell you it’s pronounced like “Loo-A-Vul.” Almost like you have a mouth full or marbles or marshmallows. So again, say it with me, Loo-A-Vul.
Keep this in mind and you’ll be golden. 

Our friend Anna is rarely seen without a smile on her face and a compliment on her lips. She has one of those sweet personalities and infectious laughs that make her a joy to be around. She’s also a deeply passionate person – passionate about Jesus and passionate about seeing injustices like sex trafficking abolished. It’s a passion that extends to a few more trivial things, like kittens, red lipstick, and all things Disney, but don’t let her bubbly side catch you off guard – Anna combines her inquisitive nature with a sharp mind and a zeal for truth, and she’ll fight, hard, for those she loves.

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