Liz’s Story: I Left My Family and My Job

I am the first Christian in my family.

June of last year, I was meeting with my pastor and asking him how I could have more of Jesus. I wanted more of Jesus. I told him I wanted to know how I could serve Jesus and I wanted to be prepared to expand the Kingdom. He advised me to pray and ask Jesus if the next step would be going to DTS in Kentucky, because his daughter works there at YWAM Louisville. So, I started to pray. Shortly after, some people from YWAM Louisville came to Mexico and I worked with them. After getting to know them, I was really excited about the idea of going to do DTS, and I started to pray that Jesus would put a conviction in my heart if that would be the next step to follow Him… and He did.

I wanted to know how I could serve Jesus and I wanted to be prepared to expand the Kingdom.

After I decided I was going to do DTS, my father got very, very sick. The doctors told him that he had six months to one year to live. My father doesn’t know Jesus which made the thought of leaving for five months even harder. I was also running a company and had been doing this for 8 years. I was in the middle of building houses and I had to finish and close those projects before I could leave. On top of that, I was trying to earn money to pay my tuition, outreach and have money to spend while in Kentucky. I kept praying and Jesus continued to confirm what he had put in my heart about doing DTS, so, I knew I had to take a step of obedience.

I’m here because I know that He is faithful, He knows what I’m feeling now and He has the power to heal my father. Was it hard? Yes. I had to leave my family, my company, customers and projects. It’s hard for me to be far away from my father knowing the situation he is in. I’m trying to keep my company running but it’s difficult.

I’m here because I know that He is faithful…

In Mexico I was always working. I’m an active person, so I’m always trying to get income to pay my bills, to save money, and to help people. Now that I’m not earning too much money it’s led me to trust Jesus with my finances. I know that He is going to provide. I know that He knows the bills that I have to pay, even though I’m here and I’m not working as much as I’m used to.

Above it all, I just have a conviction that He is faithful and He is going to do what He promised me. Once I got here, the first phrase God spoke to me was, “Don’t be afraid to take the risk!” I have a conviction that He is going to perform what He promised me. He is faithful.

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