From Thailand: Chased Down and Found

We traveled to a little village in Thailand and had the opportunity to sit down and share with underprivileged women. One of the women in particular God highlighted to my team, so we gathered around her and started talking. At the point in conversation when we asked her how we can pray for her, we learned that she had a lot of financial and health issues and that she used to go to church. The Lord put something on my heart to share with her. I shared with the lady that God didn’t send us to her village by coincidence, but that God wanted to remind her of His love for her through us.

I shared with the lady that God didn’t send us to her village by coincidence.

When I shared this with her, she told us that when she saw us walking down the street, something told her that we were coming to talk to her. We told her this was God speaking to her. We started sharing the Gospel with her and she was very open to hearing all of it. We explained what Jesus did for us and what sin is. When she understood, she responded by saying that she felt completely worthy of God’s love and she didn’t want to accept it. She had sinned so much and she sees that God is so good that he couldn’t possibly want anything to do with her.

God not only wanted me, He chased me down.

I shared my testimony of how I did all kinds of things that separated me from God and was also completely unworthy of God’s love. But then, God not only wanted me, He chased me down. I explained the story in the Bible of the shepherd leaving the ninety-nine to find the one, and how that’s what God did for me. We asked her if she wanted to accept the love God was extending to her and she said, “yes.” We prayed a salvation prayer with her and we saw her spirit immediately change from worry to one of joy and hope. We could see in her eyes that she had found hope and knew God’s love in a new way. I shared with her that God rejoices when the one comes home and that He’s having a party in heaven for her. It’s so cool how in the same way God’s love encountered me and chased me down, He did it for this lady, too, and he used us to be a part of it.


– Harlan Jeter, Spring 2019 DTS Student

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