When God Multiplies / The Power of a Coffee Shop

2017 was the beginning of a new thing. We sent an outreach team to Southeast Asia for the first time where we helped start an English club in a coffee shop. We arranged to cover drinks for our future students and the coffee shop gave us the top floor to use as our classroom. Students began coming from a nearby university and every week we used stories that showed who Jesus was in the Bible to teach English.



After six weeks, our trip had come to an end. On our last day with the students we shared the story of Jesus’s death and resurrection. Once we had broken into discussion groups, we found that they were appalled. They saw all Jesus had done and who He was through stories leading up to this point and they couldn’t understand why Jesus was killed. Then, we shared the gospel and performed a drama. At the end of class we made time for those who wanted to give their lives to Jesus to do so and we saw 30 students give their lives to the Lord! They were each given a Bible and plugged into local churches. Little did we know what we had kicked off.


Little did we know what we had kicked off.


In the coming months, those students that had come to know God became leaders in the English club. They started discipling other students and bringing more and more people to Jesus. Some went on to serve God with other ministries and some went home and their families came to know God.



In 2018 we were able to go back with a team and saw the growth for ourselves. They had so many students they were able to rent a building. Students kept coming and there was an increasing need for more people to come and teach English. Once this trip had come to an end, we encouraged our friends: God would provide more teachers for them and He did. Other YWAM bases began to send teams to Southeast Asia that could teach English.


Students kept coming and there was an increasing need for more people to come and teach English.


Now, in 2020, this club has expanded to four different working English clubs and continues to grow. Three years ago we had no idea what was going to be sparked. What had started on the top floor of one coffee shop has multiplied to where many people are coming to know God beyond our expectations.

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