5 Reasons to do the Create Elective

“In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” Genesis 1:1


God was the first creative being, isn’t that amazing? One of the ways we reflect Him is in our ability to create and our desire to do so. There are so many ways to express creativity! Whether you’re a painter, photographer, graphic designer, potter, or doodler, the Create Elective offers the opportunity to explore your passion in the arts and learn more of God’s heart through it.  If you are considering it but still not 100% sure if this elective is for you, here are five reasons why you should do the Create Elective:


1. Grow in your identity as an artist.

 Art is valuable to the kingdom of God, not only there’s room for it but it’s is also needed. Through this elective you can grow in knowing how God sees you and the things you create.

2. Learn how you can use your art in ministry.

Art is something that transcends language barriers and is a way to connect with people on a deep level. The things you create can bless others and speak things to them that sometimes words can’t.

3. Exercise your passions and gifts with others who share the same passions.

Since you’ll be learning alongside other creatives, you will have a safe and encouraging place to ask questions, practice your craft, experiment, learn, and grow. There is such richness in creating with and learning from other artists. In this elective you can grow in celebrating others instead of competing and comparing.

4. Discover God’s heart in art.

Learn what it looks like to invite God into the creative process and see how He can use it to connect with you. Grow in enjoying every step of the process and not just the end product.

5. Have opportunities to create and practice your craft.

You will have the time and space set out for you to specifically apply the things you learn in class, as well as practice your skills. 


To find out more about the Create Elective, go here.


Here are some other things our students say about this elective:


” I learned a lot about art in evangelism and how to use what I create to share the Gospel with others. I had fun working on pieces with other girls from my class as well as sharing my creations and explaining the meaning behind them when I gave them away. I recommend this elective, it was great.” – Anna


“I learned that art can be a way to spend time with God. This elective helped me realize that He was the first artist and He invites me to create with Him.” -Bri


” It helped me form my identity as an artist and grow in having the right motives for creating art. I used to think I had to be perfect but this elective took the stress out of art because I learned to enjoy the process and not just focus on the end product.” -Jodi


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