My walk with God was pretty much just attending church before DTS. I believed things I wanted to believe and lived the way I wanted to live.


Before I did my DTS, I struggled a lot with insecurities and knowing that I am valuable, that I matter and my voice matters. I also struggled with different fears and becoming jaded. A lot of my major life decisions were made with fear as a large motivator. I overcame those things in a process. As God began to show me more of His character and His love for me, fear didn’t seem as overwhelming. It was still scary, but I knew that God is a faithful and good Father who would walk with me through the fear. I didn’t want to live my life running away from fear or letting it rule me. That meant that I needed to face it and overcome it. As I learned more about God’s character and love and learned how to listen to His voice, God (and others) spoke truth and life over me and I began to believe that over lies. It has been a process of un-training my brain, uprooting lies, and retraining my brain to believe truth and planting that truth.


Before I did my DTS, I struggled a lot with insecurities and knowing that I am valuable, that I matter and my voice matters.


Something that really defined my relationship with God was Him redeeming things in my past. There were some things that had happened that made me question whether God was really good. He showed me that He didn’t cause those things to happen but He also hadn’t abandoned or forgotten about me or ignored the pain when it did.

Learning to hear God’s voice has helped me identify lies, replace them with truth, and trust that God is walking with me and leading me.

I’m different now than in my DTS in that I don’t let others and life just take me wherever. I am more secure. I learned that God wants to speak to me and that I can hear from Him and that I have purpose. This was a large part of what helped me get to this place because it grew my personal relationship and trust in Him. Learning to hear God’s voice has helped me identify lies, replace them with truth, and trust that God is walking with me and leading me.


– Audrey, January 2017 DTS

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