Devotional: Feeling Stuck?

Something the Lord has been challenging me with personally is how I spend time with Him. I think for a lot of us, many times we find ourselves feeling stagnant or not really seeing growth with our relationships with God. Usually the root of this can be seen in how we spend time with Him.


I think for a lot of us, many times we find ourselves feeling stagnant or not really seeing growth with our relationships with God.


When it comes to my relationship with God, it’s simply just a friendship. This makes it easier for me to understand what my times with Him can look like. This also helps me continue to build a friendship with Him and to not be stagnant!


So, what are ways I can pursue a friendship with God?

One way is learning what works!

Similar to your friends at school, church or on your sports teams, you do certain things with them because you know both of you will enjoy it! The same goes for your relationship with God. Learn what works and learn what you like to do with God! There’s no secret formula, but here are some things you can try out:

  1. Reading your Bible
  2. Praying in your head
  3. Praying out loud (more of like a conversation)
  4. Going for a walk
  5. Finding “your spot”
  6. Reading a book
  7. Listening to a sermon, podcast or music


Try some of these out and see how it goes! If you find yourself distracted, bored or distant, try something else. Just don’t give up!


Another way is to be vulnerable with Him!

Yes, the Lord is all knowing. He knows how many hairs you have on your head. He already knows your thoughts, but there is still value in being real and honest with him. Think of it this way. A lot of times our best friends know how we are feeling or even sometimes what we are thinking before we say it! But, when we speak things out is when deeper connection occurs. The same is with the Lord!


In Mark 9, a father brings his demon possessed son to Jesus so that his son could be healed. Jesus says, “Anything is possible for the one who believes!” Then the man responds with, “I believe; help my unbelief.” This man believed that Jesus could heal his son. But, he also recognized the doubt either currently in his heart or that was going to be there in the future. To paraphrase, he wasn’t afraid to be real and honest with Jesus. When we are real and honest with God, it brings in a deeper connection with Him. So, don’t be afraid to tell Him how you are really doing!

Written By: Aaron

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