Our Staff

Meet the people who make up YWAM Louisville. You will see that each member is passionate about Jesus and their role at YWAM. Each of our team members offers their unique gifts to the mission of YWAM making us a well-rounded team ready to serve the world. We hope you get to know us a little bit better and why we love working for YWAM.

Carmelita and Andy Landers

Andy & Carmelita

Tennessee & Missouri

It doesn’t take long to figure out what matters most to Andy. Loving Jesus, loving his family, reaching the nations, and developing leaders all top the list. As the base director, Andy’s timely with the truth when we need a challenge and full of stories from around the world. Carmelita is an administrative genius and discipleship guru who keeps things running smoothly around here while being a “mom” to pretty much everyone around. She’s passionate about doing things with excellence and making people feel welcome. Andy and Carmelita have been in YWAM since before most of us were born, but we try not to point that out too often.

Andy & Carmelita

Andy & Carmelita

Tennessee & Missouri

It doesn’t take long to figure out what matters most to Andy. Loving Jesus, loving his family, reaching the nations, and developing leaders all top the list. As the base director, Andy’s timely with the truth when we need a challenge and full of stories from around the world. Carmelita is an administrative genius and discipleship guru who keeps things running smoothly around here while being a “mom” to pretty much everyone around. She’s passionate about doing things with excellence and making people feel welcome. Andy and Carmelita have been in YWAM since before most of us were born, but we try not to point that out too often.


Randy Aills

St. Paris, Ohio

Everyone wants to be Randy’s friend, which is no surprise; if you met him you would too. He is fiercely loyal, deeply thoughtful, and faithful in all he does. He makes people feel seen and championed in every season, he truly loves others well. He is also AMAZING with details and logistics, which keeps his leaders sane. Randy might seem quiet at first but get to know him and you’ll discover how hilarious he is. He’s so worth knowing.

Randy Aills

Randy Aills

St. Paris, Ohio

Everyone wants to be Randy’s friend, which is no surprise; if you met him you would too. He is fiercely loyal, deeply thoughtful, and faithful in all he does. He makes people feel seen and championed in every season, he truly loves others well. He is also AMAZING with details and logistics, which keeps his leaders sane. Randy might seem quiet at first but get to know him and you’ll discover how hilarious he is. He’s so worth knowing.

Micah&Kate YWAM Staff

Micah and Kate Boggs


Micah and Kate are both empathetic and genuinely care for people. Whatever they’re committed to, they’re all in. Micah’s heart to honor God and people is evident in all he does. Everywhere he goes he carries deep gratitude for who God is and what He has done in his life. He finds joy in the little things, like Reeses peanut butter cups, playing basketball and baking sweets. Micah is free-spirited, adventurous, willing to try just about anything and loud, and Kate is consistent and helps ground him. Kate loves movies, is a loyal friend, and is passionate about having right relationship with others and discipleship. She is quick to call out the good she sees in others and isn't afraid to speak out the hard things in love. Micah and Kate are marked by integrity, fear of the Lord, and trustworthiness and love making Waffle House runs together.

Micah & Kate Boggs

Micah & Kate Boggs


Micah and Kate are both empathetic and genuinely care for people. Whatever they’re committed to, they’re all in. Micah’s heart to honor God and people is evident in all he does. Everywhere he goes he carries deep gratitude for who God is and what He has done in his life. He finds joy in the little things, like Reeses peanut butter cups, playing basketball and baking sweets. Micah is free-spirited, adventurous, willing to try just about anything and loud, and Kate is consistent and helps ground him. Kate loves movies, is a loyal friend, and is passionate about having right relationship with others and discipleship. She is quick to call out the good she sees in others and isn't afraid to speak out the hard things in love. Micah and Kate are marked by integrity, fear of the Lord, and trustworthiness and love making Waffle House runs together.

Trevor Bosner January 2023 Staff Bio

Trevor Bonser

Richland, Pennsylvania

Trevor loves going on spontaneous trips and deep convos. He’s trustworthy and gives his whole heart into everything. He loves tennis and the Dallas Cowboys. He’s passionate about children’s ministry and young men’s ministry. He’s also outgoing, loves his friends and carries wisdom. Fun fact: Trevor loves cereal so buy him a box or two.

Trevor Bonser

Trevor Bonser

Richland, Pennsylvania

Trevor loves going on spontaneous trips and deep convos. He’s trustworthy and gives his whole heart into everything. He loves tennis and the Dallas Cowboys. He’s passionate about children’s ministry and young men’s ministry. He’s also outgoing, loves his friends and carries wisdom. Fun fact: Trevor loves cereal so buy him a box or two.


Gage Bustos

Fort Wayne, Indiana

Gage is deeply passionate about the truth, and excels as a well-spoken teacher and communicator with considerable influence. He enjoys basketball leisurely and has an interesting past with professional arm wrestling—something you should definitely ask him about! Gage was formerly a car salesman which makes sense seeing his gift as an evangelist. If you need someone to rise to a challenge, or challenge you, Gage is the guy to go to.

Gage Bustos

Gage Bustos

Fort Wayne, Indiana 

Gage is deeply passionate about the truth, and excels as a well-spoken teacher and communicator with considerable influence. He enjoys basketball leisurely and has an interesting past with professional arm wrestling—something you should definitely ask him about! Gage was formerly a car salesman which makes sense seeing his gift as an evangelist. If you need someone to rise to a challenge, or challenge you, Gage is the guy to go to.

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Neil & Juanita Brangers


2015 was a big year for these two, not only because they came to DTS and saw the Lord totally rock their lives, but also because in that DTS Neil and Juanita became friends, not knowing that three years later they’d be saying “I do”. You’ll always find Juan ready with a cheesy joke, especially ones involving octopi and how many tickles it takes to make them laugh. Though we love her sense of humor, we are even more blessed by her ability to encourage and build up the people around her. And don’t let her first name throw you off—if she’s flinging foreign phrases, they’ll be Amish-style German, not Spanish. Now, you won’t find Neil speaking Juanita’s Dutch lingo, but if you listen closely you may hear a bit of a Kentucky accent. Neil has a nag for details and we see that played out in the way he meets practical needs around the base, sings with the worship team, invests in people, and shoots hoops in his free time. The addition of Skylar to the fam has only made their bond and ministry stronger!

Neil & Juanita Brangers

Neil & Juanita Brangers


2015 was a big year for these two, not only because they came to DTS and saw the Lord totally rock their lives, but also because in that DTS Neil and Juanita became friends, not knowing that three years later they’d be saying “I do”. You’ll always find Juan ready with a cheesy joke, especially ones involving octopi and how many tickles it takes to make them laugh. Though we love her sense of humor, we are even more blessed by her ability to encourage and build up the people around her. And don’t let her first name throw you off—if she’s flinging foreign phrases, they’ll be Amish-style German, not Spanish. Now, you won’t find Neil speaking Juanita’s Dutch lingo, but if you listen closely you may hear a bit of a Kentucky accent. Neil has a nag for details and we see that played out in the way he meets practical needs around the base, sings with the worship team, invests in people, and shoots hoops in his free time. The addition of Skylar to the fam has only made their bond and ministry stronger!


Franklin Bryant

Littleton, Colorado

Franklin is a faithful and genuine friend. He values deep friendship and invests in those around him. He is the kind of guy who is down for anything, but especially a mean game of chess, so challenge him if you dare. But as much as Franklin loves a good game of chess, he loves God’s Word even more. He is passionate about it and it is clear in the way he lives his life based on it. He is a learner who runs after truth, and stewards the things he is given well. Franklin walks in the freedom the Lord has given him and it’s contagious!

Franklin Bryant

Franklin Bryant

Littleton, Colorado

Franklin is a faithful and genuine friend. He values deep friendship and invests in those around him. He is the kind of guy who is down for anything, but especially a mean game of chess, so challenge him if you dare. But as much as Franklin loves a good game of chess, he loves God’s Word even more. He is passionate about it and it is clear in the way he lives his life based on it. He is a learner who runs after truth, and stewards the things he is given well. Franklin walks in the freedom the Lord has given him and it’s contagious!

Romy Carter

Romy Carter

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Romy was a dental hygienist before she decided to do a DTS. She is marked by passion and intentionality. She brings a balance of vibrant joy and genuine depth everywhere she goes. Romy can make anyone feel like an instant friend and help them find a way to laugh in any circumstance. Don't be surprised if your conversation with her starts off with jokes, turns into tears, and ends with uncontrollable laughter. You’ll also probably discover how much she loves spontaneity, Queen Elizabeth II, Hamilton, all things quirky, and especially Corgis... she really loves them.

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Romy Carter

Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Romy was a dental hygienist before she decided to do a DTS. She is marked by passion and intentionality. She brings a balance of vibrant joy and genuine depth everywhere she goes. Romy can make anyone feel like an instant friend and help them find a way to laugh in any circumstance. Don't be surprised if your conversation with her starts off with jokes, turns into tears, and ends with uncontrollable laughter. You’ll also probably discover how much she loves spontaneity, Queen Elizabeth II, Hamilton, all things quirky, and especially Corgis... she really loves them.

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Kerstin Casey

Dexter, Iowa

Keri cares for people in practical ways and is a great friend to know. And with such a heart of care and relationship, it’s not surprising to hear that she is an amazing team player. Her heart is set to serve others, always looking for how she can help; working hard with an eye for detail not just to see that the job is done, but to see that the team succeeds. It’s clear to see that Keri is a breath of fresh air to the people she encounters. And not only is she a breath of fresh air, but she loves to get out in the fresh air too! A couple of her favorites from the outdoors? Wildflowers and strawberries!

Kerstin Casey

Kerstin Casey

Dexter, Iowa

Keri cares for people in practical ways and is a great friend to know. And with such a heart of care and relationship, it’s not surprising to hear that she is an amazing team player. Her heart is set to serve others, always looking for how she can help; working hard with an eye for detail not just to see that the job is done, but to see that the team succeeds. It’s clear to see that Keri is a breath of fresh air to the people she encounters. And not only is she a breath of fresh air, but she loves to get out in the fresh air too! A couple of her favorites from the outdoors? Wildflowers and strawberries!

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Kathryn Chandler

Louisville, Kentucky

Kathryn, a Louisville local, adds so much to our staff family. She is someone who carries hope and is passionate in the things she puts her hands to. She’s the kind of person who can take an idea, run with it, and make it flourish. She loves having fun, especially in the form of a good car jam sesh. You might also catch her bopping to a musical soundtrack, because musicals are her favorite! Kathryn loves people and getting to know them, so if you’re ever around, chat with this lady if she doesn’t get to you first. We love the flavor she adds to this base!

Kathryn Chandler

Kathryn Chandler

Louisville, Kentucky

Kathryn, a Louisville local, adds so much to our staff family. She is someone who carries hope and is passionate in the things she puts her hands to. She’s the kind of person who can take an idea, run with it, and make it flourish. She loves having fun, especially in the form of a good car jam sesh. You might also catch her bopping to a musical soundtrack, because musicals are her favorite! Kathryn loves people and getting to know them, so if you’re ever around, chat with this lady if she doesn’t get to you first. We love the flavor she adds to this base!

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Derek & Steph Culp


Like the miles she’s logged training for half-marathons, Steph leaves dependability and order in her wake. She faithfully oversees our accounting office, embracing what could easily be an overwhelming job with grace and finesse, so that all of us can carry on without the lights being shut off or the food running out. Derek’s always got a story. His favorite is the story of what God's done in his life, and he tells it every chance he gets. He also always has a joke, so at first we didn’t believe him when he said he’s been to clown college, but it’s true: he’s got an actual diploma from the prestigious Giggles & Grins Clown Alley. It’s no surprise, really, because Derek loves to bring joy to people. Derek and Steph are both solid leaders who disciple others and have a heart for hard-to-reach places. Derek says, “I married up.” We think they both did. Their children, Judah, Selah, Hadley, and Adelyn have a contagious joy. We dare you not to crack a smile when one of these cuties gives you a grin.

Derek & Steph Culp

Derek & Steph Culp


Like the miles she’s logged training for half-marathons, Steph leaves dependability and order in her wake. She faithfully oversees our accounting office, embracing what could easily be an overwhelming job with grace and finesse, so that all of us can carry on without the lights being shut off or the food running out. Derek’s always got a story. His favorite is the story of what God's done in his life, and he tells it every chance he gets. He also always has a joke, so at first we didn’t believe him when he said he’s been to clown college, but it’s true: he’s got an actual diploma from the prestigious Giggles & Grins Clown Alley. Derek and Steph are both solid leaders who disciple others and have a heart for hard-to-reach places. Derek says, “I married up.” We think they both did. Their children, Judah, Selah, Hadley, and Adelyn have a contagious joy. We dare you not to crack a smile when one of these cuties gives you a grin.

Sara and Colin FINAL (1)

Colin and Sara Deklyen


Colin is someone who is dedicated to do things with excellence and is known for being a trustworthy friend that embodies humility in all he does. You will often see him playing basketball on the court or simply cracking funny jokes. Sara has a huge passion for sharks and has unmatched thrifting skills. She is reliable, energetic, and willing to do whatever it takes if it means she gets to know Jesus more! Together, Sara and Colin create a home that’s a haven for friends, always filled with laughter and warmth. They offer a safe, welcoming space where everyone feels valued. Their impressive Vans collection might catch your eye, but it’s their incredible hospitality and selfless love that truly stands out.

Colin and Sara Deklyen

Colin and Sara Deklyen

Michigan and Pennsylvania

Colin is someone who is dedicated to do things with excellence and is known for being a trustworthy friend that embodies humility in all he does. You will often see him playing basketball on the court or simply cracking funny jokes. Sara has a huge passion for sharks and has unmatched thrifting skills. She is reliable, energetic, and willing to do whatever it takes if it means she gets to know Jesus more! Together, Sara and Colin create a home that’s a haven for friends, always filled with laughter and warmth. They offer a safe, welcoming space where everyone feels valued. Their impressive Vans collection might catch your eye, but it’s their incredible hospitality and selfless love that truly stands out.

Chloe Erhlich January 2023 Staff Bio

Chloe Ehrlich

Lexington, Kentucky

Chloe is bold in her love for Jesus and for people. She’s someone who’s always down to get a coffee, hear about people’s lives and to share who Jesus is with them. She is passionate about truth and people walking in the freedom of it—even if it means meeting people on the street asking, “Do you speak English?" until she finds someone to share the beauty of God’s grace with. You might find Chloe at a coffee shop or in a foreign country vlogging the experience!

Chloe Ehrlich

Chloe Ehrlich

Lexington, Kentucky

Chloe is bold in her love for Jesus and for people. She’s someone who’s always down to get a coffee, hear about people’s lives and to share who Jesus is with them. She is passionate about truth and people walking in the freedom of it—even if it means meeting people on the street asking, “Do you speak English?" until she finds someone to share the beauty of God’s grace with. You might find Chloe at a coffee shop or in a foreign country vlogging the experience!

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Jackson Futrell

Paducah, Kentucky

Jackson is a genuine, trustworthy friend. He deeply cares for those around him with a sacrificial heart, known to go out of his way to help others. Jackson is always down for a deep conversation, or wild new hairdo--we don’t know anyone who can rock purple hair like this guy once did. Jackson is spontaneous and goofy, always looking for new music, and knows a surprising amount of cool facts. So if you meet him, don’t hesitate to ask!

Jackson Futrell

Jackson Futrell

Paducah, Kentucky

Jackson is a genuine, trustworthy friend. He deeply cares for those around him with a sacrificial heart, known to go out of his way to help others. Jackson is always down for a deep conversation, or wild new hairdo--we don’t know anyone who can rock purple hair like this guy once did. Jackson is spontaneous and goofy, always looking for new music, and knows a surprising amount of cool facts. So if you meet him, don’t hesitate to ask!

Sophia Garner 2023 (1)

Sophia Garner

Fort Worth, Texas

Sophia is a creative and has a knack for taking on multiple hobbies; so don’t be surprised if you find her with a beautifully baked cake, or a lovely work of art. Not only does she enjoy these hobbies, but she has been known to use these talents with a generous heart, sometimes giving away the things she makes. If you get to know Sophia you will find that this hospitable heart runs even deeper. Sophia has a gift for making others feel at home, she is a friend to all, loving sacrificially and putting others first. She is a friend who can have a serious conversation, but also a good laugh. The more you know her, the more you will see the joy of the Lord. 

Sophia Garner

Sophia Garner

Fort Worth, Texas

Sophia is a creative and has a knack for taking on multiple hobbies; so don’t be surprised if you find her with a beautifully baked cake, or a lovely work of art. Not only does she enjoy these hobbies, but she has been known to use these talents with a generous heart, sometimes giving away the things she makes. If you get to know Sophia you will find that this hospitable heart runs even deeper. Sophia has a gift for making others feel at home, she is a friend to all, loving sacrificially and putting others first. She is a friend who can have a serious conversation, but also a good laugh. The more you know her, the more you will see the joy of the Lord. 

Luke-Grossman (1)

Luke Grossman

Alliance, Ohio

Luke is trustworthy and faithful in commitment. We see this in how he pursues the Lord and in how he cares for his Crocs (#crocpolish). Luke enjoys reading and playing games so whether it’s cards or Catan, he’s in for a solid game night. If you really want to bless him, bring along some Taco Bell with plenty of fire sauce to said game night. Although, if you forget the sauce, odds are Luke has a stash nearby.  And we can’t talk about playing games without also mentioning Luke’s love for sports. As far as they go, soccer without a doubt takes the podium for him. We love Luke’s goofy traits, but that’s not all there is to him. Luke is a man who takes initiative and sees things through. He’s a great leader and he leads with passion, responsibility, and creativity. We’re grateful to have this guy on staff!

Luke Grossman

Luke Grossman

Alliance, Ohio

Luke is trustworthy and faithful in commitment. We see this in how he pursues the Lord and in how he cares for his Crocs (#crocpolish). Luke enjoys reading and playing games so whether it’s cards or Catan, he’s in for a solid game night. If you really want to bless him, bring along some Taco Bell with plenty of fire sauce to said game night. Although, if you forget the sauce, odds are Luke has a stash nearby.  And we can’t talk about playing games without also mentioning Luke’s love for sports. As far as they go, soccer without a doubt takes the podium for him. We love Luke’s goofy traits, but that’s not all there is to him. Luke is a man who takes initiative and sees things through. He’s a great leader and he leads with passion, responsibility, and creativity. We’re grateful to have this guy on staff!


Emillie Hanks

Aberdeen, Maryland

Emillie is kind, authentic, and easy-going. She makes those around her feel cared for and welcomed to share their hearts – reflecting who God is as she lives out being a safe place. Not only is she a safe place to share, but she will fight for you in prayer like no other. When she says she will pray for you, she means it! She looks for ways to give God’s love to others out of a place of seeking and experiencing it firsthand. And while her relationship with God is all about experiencing Him firsthand, she’s also a lover of all things secondhand. Emillie has a gift for thrift, so if you ever feel like hitting up a Goodwill, go with this lady. She knows how to get the deals. We love the sweet, faithful, raw, and thrifty flavors that Emillie adds to our base, and we know you will too!

Emillie Hanks

Emillie Hanks

Aberdeen, Maryland

Emillie is kind, authentic, and easy-going. She makes those around her feel cared for and welcomed to share their hearts – reflecting who God is as she lives out being a safe place. Not only is she a safe place to share, but she will fight for you in prayer like no other. When she says she will pray for you, she means it! She looks for ways to give God’s love to others out of a place of seeking and experiencing it firsthand. And while her relationship with God is all about experiencing Him firsthand, she’s also a lover of all things secondhand. Emillie has a gift for thrift, so if you ever feel like hitting up a Goodwill, go with this lady. She knows how to get the deals. We love the sweet, faithful, raw, and thrifty flavors that Emillie adds to our base, and we know you will too!

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Amanda Heichert

Andover, Minnesota

Anyone who knows Amanda will definitely agree that this girl has a gift for bringing joy, lots of laughter, and a zest for life. Amanda has an eye to see and care for those who might feel unseen, and an ability to include those who might otherwise feel left out. With a personality as flavorful as hers, you might be surprised to hear her favorite snack is a good old handful of saltine crackers, but that just goes to show even more that Amanda is someone who can find wonder and joy in the simplest things.

Amanda Heichert

Amanda Heichert

Andover, Minnesota

Anyone who knows Amanda will definitely agree that this girl has a gift for bringing joy, lots of laughter, and a zest for life. Amanda has an eye to see and care for those who might feel unseen, and an ability to include those who might otherwise feel left out. With a personality as flavorful as hers, you might be surprised to hear her favorite snack is a good old handful of saltine crackers, but that just goes to show even more that Amanda is someone who can find wonder and joy in the simplest things.

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Jeremy Hess

Lititz, Pennsylvania

Jeremy is a loyal friend and deeply committed to people. He is generous, faithful and always willing to lend a helping hand. He is intentional in seeking others out and leads in humility and vulnerability. His heart desires to walk in obedience to the Lord and He won’t hesitate to call others and himself up to a higher standard while speaking truth, life and encouragement over those around him. You’ll probably find Jeremy playing sports (as long as it’s competitive) or enjoying a good cup of coffee while strategizing his next 3 moves in a board game. You can always count on him to be down to hangout wherever and whenever, and we think he’s a lot of fun!

Jeremy Hess

Jeremy Hess

Lititz, Pennsylvania

Jeremy is a loyal friend and deeply committed to people. He is generous, faithful and always willing to lend a helping hand. He is intentional in seeking others out and leads in humility and vulnerability. His heart desires to walk in obedience to the Lord and He won’t hesitate to call others and himself up to a higher standard while speaking truth, life and encouragement over those around him. You’ll probably find Jeremy playing sports (as long as it’s competitive) or enjoying a good cup of coffee while strategizing his next 3 moves in a board game. You can always count on him to be down to hangout wherever and whenever, and we think he’s a lot of fun!

Richie&Kelly YWAM Staff

Richard & Kelly Hyde


Richie’s the only guy you can tell to take a hike without being offensive.  He is really a citizen of the world; he’s lived in eight different countries and knows a thing or two about travelling. He is also a hard worker with a knack for organization – so if you ever need a schedule made or a problem solved, you know who to call. Kelly’s tiny hometown isn’t on most maps, but she swears it’s an actual place and we’ve decided to believe her. Kelly pours her creativity into painting, cooking, exploring the outdoors, and the thousands of ways she styles her hair. Richie and Kelly’s story all began with the card game Spades. Richie’s analytical, logical brain paired with Kelly’s visionary, creative one compliment each other well and make them a dynamic duo.

Richard & Kelly Hyde

Richard & Kelly Hyde


Richie’s the only guy you can tell to take a hike without being offensive.  He is really a citizen of the world; he’s lived in eight different countries and knows a thing or two about travelling. He is also a hard worker with a knack for organization – so if you ever need a schedule made or a problem solved, you know who to call. Kelly’s tiny hometown isn’t on most maps, but she swears it’s an actual place and we’ve decided to believe her. Kelly pours her creativity into painting, cooking, exploring the outdoors, and the thousands of ways she styles her hair. Richie and Kelly’s story all began with the card game Spades. Richie’s analytical, logical brain paired with Kelly’s visionary, creative one compliment each other well and make them a dynamic duo.


Madison Johanning

Wichita, Kansas

While Madison passionately loves her home state (as well as meatloaf, clouds, and happy tears), she’s not in Kansas anymore – and we’re so, so glad! If we’re talking about someone with a big heart who invests fully in whatever is in front of her, we’ll definitely mention Madison. She is a leader at her core and always brings a positive attitude into the room. With a personality as bubbly as hers, it’s no surprise that she is a La Croix fanatic. She is always down for a new adventure, especially if it leads to a local coffee shop. Madison adds joy, order, and intentionality to our community, and we are thankful God has brought her to be a part of our family!

Madison Johanning

Madison Johanning

Wichita, Kansas

While Madison passionately loves her home state (as well as meatloaf, clouds, and happy tears), she’s not in Kansas anymore – and we’re so, so glad! If we’re talking about someone with a big heart who invests fully in whatever is in front of her, we’ll definitely mention Madison. She is a leader at her core and always brings a positive attitude into the room. With a personality as bubbly as hers, it’s no surprise that she is a La Croix fanatic. She is always down for a new adventure, especially if it leads to a local coffee shop. Madison adds joy, order, and intentionality to our community, and we are thankful God has brought her to be a part of our family!

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Aaron Journey

LaGrange, Kentucky

Aaron’s the type of person who can see the good in any situation. You can count on Aaron to be able to find beauty amongst a mess as he’s a constant place of encouragement, and you can count on what he says to not just be genuine, but true. Aaron loves sports and has a passion for sweet kicks, so if you ever need recommendations on what shoes to buy next, he’s your guy. We see his passion for true worship and honoring God in the way he pursues friendships, cheers people on, cares for people, and walks in joy. Aaron is the kind of guy you’d want on your team, so we’re glad the Lord has led him to YWAM Louisville!

Aaron Journey

Aaron Journey

LaGrange, Kentucky

Aaron’s the type of person who can see the good in any situation. You can count on Aaron to be able to find beauty amongst a mess as he’s a constant place of encouragement, and you can count on what he says to not just be genuine, but true. Aaron loves sports and has a passion for sweet kicks, so if you ever need recommendations on what shoes to buy next, he’s your guy. We see his passion for true worship and honoring God in the way he pursues friendships, cheers people on, cares for people, and walks in joy. Aaron is the kind of guy you’d want on your team, so we’re glad the Lord has led him to YWAM Louisville!


Marny Rey Ketcham

Charlotte, North Carolina

Marny is a ray of sunshine and a thoughtful friend; spend five minutes with her and you’ll instantly feel at home. She freely speaks her mind yet manages to do it with gentleness and compassion; in other words, whether you need a kick in the butt or a shoulder to cry on (or both!), she’ll be there for you. Marny is committed to hearing the Lord speak and obeying what he’s said; that’s taken her around the world and brought her here to serve in Louisville. She is creative and insatiably curious, unafraid to ask questions and learn new skills. She’s also full of fun, so it’s no surprise that few people call her by her real name, “Margaret.” Her nickname is like her wild red hair: it suits her, and we like it.

Marny Rey Ketcham

Marny Rey Ketcham

Charlotte, North Carolina

Marny is a ray of sunshine and a thoughtful friend; spend five minutes with her and you’ll instantly feel at home. She freely speaks her mind yet manages to do it with gentleness and compassion; in other words, whether you need a kick in the butt or a shoulder to cry on (or both!), she’ll be there for you. Marny is committed to hearing the Lord speak and obeying what he’s said; that’s taken her around the world and brought her here to serve in Louisville. She is creative and insatiably curious, unafraid to ask questions and learn new skills. She’s also full of fun, so it’s no surprise that few people call her by her real name, “Margaret.” Her nickname is like her wild red hair: it suits her, and we like it.

YWAM Staff Karen

Karen Kulp

New Holland, Pennsylvania

When some wise old proverb-writer said “Still waters run deep,” they were probably referring to Karen Kulp. “KK”, as she’s inevitably called, won’t be the first or loudest voice to chime in to a discussion, but what she shares comes from a deep well of relationship with Jesus and passion for discipleship. Karen’s faithful and determined, happiest when she’s directly involved in seeing people grow in our training schools. But she does get a little anxious when her stash of peanut butter starts to run low.

Karen Kulp

Karen Kulp

New Holland, Pennsylvania

When some wise old proverb-writer said “Still waters run deep,” they were probably referring to Karen Kulp. “KK”, as she’s inevitably called, won’t be the first or loudest voice to chime in to a discussion, but what she shares comes from a deep well of relationship with Jesus and passion for discipleship. Karen’s faithful and determined, happiest when she’s directly involved in seeing people grow in our training schools. But she does get a little anxious when her stash of peanut butter starts to run low.

Collin YWAM Staff

Collin Lee

Port Charlotte, Florida

If laughter is the best medicine, people who hang around Collin should be pretty healthy. He’s gifted with a hysterical sense of humor, so you won’t have a shortage of laughable moments and memories if you spend time with him. He’s not without a serious side, though, and even his ability to make people laugh comes from his genuine personality. Collin is both hard working and tenderhearted, fearless and caring. He genuinely loves and fights for others, and he’s your guy if you need someone to take on a task with joy and a light heart. Collin’s strengths are evident, but break out the chocolate and you’ll discover his weakness in a hurry.

Collin Lee

Collin Lee

Port Charlotte, Florida

If laughter is the best medicine, people who hang around Collin should be pretty healthy. He’s gifted with a hysterical sense of humor, so you won’t have a shortage of laughable moments and memories if you spend time with him. He’s not without a serious side, though, and even his ability to make people laugh comes from his genuine personality. Collin is both hard working and tenderhearted, fearless and caring. He genuinely loves and fights for others, and he’s your guy if you need someone to take on a task with joy and a light heart. Collin’s strengths are evident, but break out the chocolate and you’ll discover his weakness in a hurry.

Zach Lokken 2021

Zach Lokken

Watertown, Minnesota

Zach is someone who lives out childlike faith and reflects the heart of Jesus in the way he leads out in humility, loves everyone, and really listens. Almost as much as he loves people, he loves food. In the 10th grade he lost his ability to taste and smell, which the Lord healed during his DTS outreach through simple prayer! Some friends might tell you a story of when he decided it was a good idea to eat a spicy pepper (why not when you can’t taste, right?). Long story short, he couldn’t tell the difference between what was sweat and what was tears. Aside from his aversion to spicy food, there aren’t many foods this guy would turn down. Zach also loves adventure and discovery, and loves to make people laugh. So whether you need a listening ear, a good laugh, a dose of adventure, or just want to share a good meal, get to know this guy-- you will be glad you did!

Zach Lokken

Zach Lokken

Watertown, Minnesota

Zach is someone who lives out childlike faith and reflects the heart of Jesus in the way he leads out in humility, loves everyone, and really listens. Almost as much as he loves people, he loves food. In the 10th grade he lost his ability to taste and smell, which the Lord healed during his DTS outreach through simple prayer! Some friends might tell you a story of when he decided it was a good idea to eat a spicy pepper (why not when you can’t taste, right?). Long story short, he couldn’t tell the difference between what was sweat and what was tears. Aside from his aversion to spicy food, there aren’t many foods this guy would turn down. Zach also loves adventure and discovery, and loves to make people laugh. So whether you need a listening ear, a good laugh, a dose of adventure, or just want to share a good meal, get to know this guy-- you will be glad you did!


Hannah Mettler

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hannah is a true northerner who has a passion for peanut butter and hydration. Those who know her well will tell you that she enjoys peanut butter on most things, and will freak if she doesn’t have water nearby. But as much as she loves peanut butter and water, she loves a good laugh even more. Hannah knows how to fill a room with laughter; joy is a gift she carries that impacts those around her and welcomes them to be themselves. She is real, authentic, and tender hearted. She is also a humble learner with a “whatever it takes” mentality, especially in her relationship with the Lord. So whether you need a friend who knows how to bring on the chuckles, an example of faithfulness to look to, or a spoonful of peanut butter, Hannah’s your gal.

Hannah Mettler

Hannah Mettler

Minneapolis, Minnesota

Hannah is a true northerner who has a passion for peanut butter and hydration. Those who know her well will tell you that she enjoys peanut butter on most things, and will freak if she doesn’t have water nearby. But as much as she loves peanut butter and water, she loves a good laugh even more. Hannah knows how to fill a room with laughter; joy is a gift she carries that impacts those around her and welcomes them to be themselves. She is real, authentic, and tender hearted. She is also a humble learner with a “whatever it takes” mentality, especially in her relationship with the Lord. So whether you need a friend who knows how to bring on the chuckles, an example of faithfulness to look to, or a spoonful of peanut butter, Hannah’s your gal.


Kendra Miller

Trail, Ohio

Ever meet someone who can walk into a room and with her comes energy and joy? That’s Kendra! Kendra is a bundle of creativity, laughter and compassion. It’s no surprise with her joyful heart and outgoing personality that it’s natural for her to love people deeply and be intentional in relationships. And not just relationships with people, she is intentional to pursue Jesus and proclaim His name boldly because she knows He’s the One who has rescued her. From Kendra’s fiery heart for the Lord, to her fireball personality, we love the spice she brings to our YLou family.

Kendra Miller

Kendra Miller

Trail, Ohio

Ever meet someone who can walk into a room and with her comes energy and joy? That’s Kendra! Kendra is a bundle of creativity, laughter and compassion. It’s no surprise with her joyful heart and outgoing personality that it’s natural for her to love people deeply and be intentional in relationships. And not just relationships with people, she is intentional to pursue Jesus and proclaim His name boldly because she knows He’s the One who has rescued her. From Kendra’s fiery heart for the Lord, to her fireball personality, we love the spice she brings to our YLou family.

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Rachel Miller

Walla Walla, WA

All the way from the Pacific Northwest (PNW), Rachel is consistent, driven, courageous and always willing to learn and grow. She loves spontaneous adventures like hiking or snowboarding. She’s responsible, faithful with the things she’s been given, and upholds a high standard. She loves nature, Redbull and mixing Redbull with other syrups and the like. Also creative and the videos she makes will have you laughing. She played volleyball in college but can also hold her own in basketball, so if you’re playing against her, bring your A game.

Rachel Miller

Rachel Miller

Walla Walla, WA

All the way from the Pacific Northwest (PNW), Rachel is consistent, driven, courageous and always willing to learn and grow. She loves spontaneous adventures like hiking or snowboarding. She’s responsible, faithful with the things she’s been given, and upholds a high standard. She loves nature, Redbull and mixing Redbull with other syrups and the like. Also creative and the videos she makes will have you laughing. She played volleyball in college but can also hold her own in basketball, so if you’re playing against her, bring your A game.

Victoria YWAM Staff

Tori Monday

Weatherford, Texas

Tori is a proud Texan with a firecracker personality. They say everything is bigger in Texas, and Tori’s spunk and heart match that; or in other words, she is Texan sweet. Tori doesn’t know a stranger; she deeply invests in people and fights for them, seeking God’s heart of love for them. And not only does she faithfully fight for relationships, but that faithfulness can also be seen in the tasks she takes on, always preferring to take the long way if it means the task will be done well and with excellence. Tori is full of laughter and joy, and is an example of generosity. She’s a sweet addition to our staff family!

Tori Monday

Tori Monday

Weatherford, Texas

Tori is a proud Texan with a firecracker personality. They say everything is bigger in Texas, and Tori’s spunk and heart match that; or in other words, she is Texan sweet. Tori doesn’t know a stranger; she deeply invests in people and fights for them, seeking God’s heart of love for them. And not only does she faithfully fight for relationships, but that faithfulness can also be seen in the tasks she takes on, always preferring to take the long way if it means the task will be done well and with excellence. Tori is full of laughter and joy, and is an example of generosity. She’s a sweet addition to our staff family!

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Abigail Orman

Dyersburg, Tennessee

When you first meet Abigail, she may seem quiet and reserved but once you get to know her, you’ll find out that she's funny and witty. Abigail is incredibly faithful and doesn’t take short cuts. Her no compromise attitude extends from getting work done to walking out in truth. She is passionate about art and is fierce competition on the volleyball court. She loves clouds, hot Cheetos and blue Powerade. She brings stability in addition to her many gifts to our YWAM family, and we’re so glad to have her.

Abigail Orman

Abigail Orman

Dyersburg, Tennessee

When you first meet Abigail, she may seem quiet and reserved but once you get to know her, you’ll find out that she's funny and witty. Abigail is incredibly faithful and doesn’t take short cuts. Her no compromise attitude extends from getting work done to walking out in truth. She is passionate about art and is fierce competition on the volleyball court. She loves clouds, hot Cheetos and blue Powerade. She brings stability in addition to her many gifts to our YWAM family, and we’re so glad to have her.

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Bailey Pribble

Omaha, Nebraska

At first Bailey may seem hardcore, but really, she is soft on the inside, like a turtle! She’s a thoughtful pursuer and loyal friend with an amazing eye for art—digital art in specific! She’s uniquely creative, which isn’t only seen in her art creations, but in her hilarious dry sense of humor. Bailey is a loyal friend who cares deeply that things are done well because she cares that people are valued. We are so grateful to have her a part of our staff family.

Bailey Pribble

Bailey Pribble

Omaha, Nebraska

At first Bailey may seem hardcore, but really, she is soft on the inside, like a turtle! She’s a thoughtful pursuer and loyal friend with an amazing eye for art—digital art in specific! She’s uniquely creative, which isn’t only seen in her art creations, but in her hilarious dry sense of humor. Bailey is a loyal friend who cares deeply that things are done well because she cares that people are valued. We are so grateful to have her a part of our staff family.

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Luvo Rutledge

Walnut Grove, Missouri

If you’ve never met someone who can make art out of simply capturing a picture of a simple wall or tables and chairs… now you have! Luvo has such a simple and beautiful point of view, with an eye that knows aesthetic scenes when she sees them. She sees the beauty around her not just in the places she goes but also in the people she meets. She is a good and dependable friend to those around her with a heart to help where she can, and of course to have a lot of fun! Luvo also has a beautiful gift for singing and leading others in worship. 

Luvo Rutledge

Luvo Rutledge

Walnut Grove, Missouri

If you’ve never met someone who can make art out of simply capturing a picture of a simple wall or tables and chairs… now you have! Luvo has such a simple and beautiful point of view, with an eye that knows aesthetic scenes when she sees them. She sees the beauty around her not just in the places she goes but also in the people she meets. She is a good and dependable friend to those around her with a heart to help where she can, and of course to have a lot of fun! Luvo also has a beautiful gift for singing and leading others in worship. 

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Isaac & Brianna Sawyer

North Carolina/Ohio

A northern girl and southern guy–Bri and Isaac are the epitome of “opposites attract” but their different strengths compliment each other. While Isaac is more wild and spontaneous, Bri brings structure and steadiness. Isaac has a humble heart and is willing to follow and obey the Lord in even the smallest of things. Isaac fits the southern boy stereotype in that southern comfort foods are his favorite thing. Bri has both a talent and a passion for photography. She’s fierce, bold, adventurous, a loyal friend, and can bring some serious competition to the volleyball court. Bri and Isaac are both worship leaders, lovers of tacos, and tenderhearted toward the Lord. They’re a relational and easy to be around couple that make people feel seen and bring out the best in others.

Isaac & Brianna Sawyer

Isaac & Brianna Sawyer

North Carolina/Ohio

A northern girl and southern guy–Bri and Isaac are the epitome of “opposites attract” but their different strengths complement each other. While Isaac is more wild and spontaneous, Bri brings structure and steadiness. Isaac has a humble heart and is willing to follow and obey the Lord in even the smallest of things. Isaac fits the southern boy stereotype in that southern comfort foods are his favorite thing. Bri has both a talent and a passion for photography. She’s fierce, bold, adventurous, a loyal friend, and can bring some serious competition to the volleyball court. Bri and Isaac are both worship leaders, lovers of tacos, and tenderhearted toward the Lord. They’re a relational and easy to be around couple that make people feel seen and bring out the best in others.

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Ryan Schwartz

Vilvoorde, Belgium

Ryan was born in Florida but lived a lot of his life in Belgium. Because of that, he can speak French! He’s a fan of ramen, coffee, and coffee shops. He has a variety of skills and interests that he’s very good at including: cooking (especially cheesecakes and his secret is in the crust), playing games or the piano just to name a few. You’ll find that he is a reliable friend that serves others and shows hospitality to those around him. His diverse upbringing helps him to connect with a lot of different people and we love that about him.

Ryan Schwartz

Ryan Schwartz

Vilvoorde, Belgium

Ryan was born in Florida but lived a lot of his life in Belgium. Because of that, he can speak French! He’s a fan of ramen, coffee, and coffee shops. He has a variety of skills and interests that he’s very good at including: cooking (especially cheesecakes and his secret is in the crust), playing games or the piano just to name a few. You’ll find that he is a reliable friend that serves others and shows hospitality to those around him. His diverse upbringing helps him to connect with a lot of different people and we love that about him.


Anna Seitz

Indianapolis, Indiana

If you want to know what a true friend is, Anna is your girl. She is full of life and adventure, always bringing excitement and joy wherever she goes. She is a master of finding the fun side of things, but she is also someone who loves people enough to speak the hard truth, and she does it so graciously that you walk away full of hope. Spend a few minutes with her and you’ll know that Jesus is her deepest desire; she has found Him worthy of everything. Anna’s passion runs deep and is contagious, like her laughter.

Anna Seitz

Anna Seitz

Indianapolis, Indiana

If you want to know what a true friend is, Anna is your girl. She is full of life and adventure, always bringing excitement and joy wherever she goes. She is a master of finding the fun side of things, but she is also someone who loves people enough to speak the hard truth, and she does it so graciously that you walk away full of hope. Spend a few minutes with her and you’ll know that Jesus is her deepest desire; she has found Him worthy of everything. Anna’s passion runs deep and is contagious, like her laughter.

Gabe and Maddy Smith 2020

Gabe & Madisyn Smith


Gabe and Maddy’s interests are very different but they compliment each other well—like in the way they exude hospitality, their willingness to run the 2nd mile for others and how they don’t give up on people. Our friend Maddy overflows with loyalty and a joyful care for others. She channels her creative energy into wholehearted service, as well as laying down some perfectly-timed deadpan humor. Gabe’s a good guy with a ready smile and a servant’s heart, attacking the task at hand with enthusiasm and excellence. He’s a natural leader and oozes creative energy, so if you’re wondering what he’s up to on any given evening, he’s probably connecting with a couple of friends, leading a spontaneous worship night, or diving into a book that’s too thick for most of us.

Gabe & Madisyn Smith

Gabe & Madisyn Smith


Gabe and Maddy’s interests are very different but they compliment each other well—like in the way they exude hospitality, their willingness to run the 2nd mile for others and how they don’t give up on people. Our friend Maddy overflows with loyalty and a joyful care for others. She channels her creative energy into wholehearted service, as well as laying down some perfectly-timed deadpan humor. Gabe’s a good guy with a ready smile and a servant’s heart, attacking the task at hand with enthusiasm and excellence. He’s a natural leader and oozes creative energy, so if you’re wondering what he’s up to on any given evening, he’s probably connecting with a couple of friends, leading a spontaneous worship night, or diving into a book that’s too thick for most of us.

Megan YWAM Staff

Megan Strickland

Clayton, North Carolina

Megan is one of those people who will treat you like you’re already friends the moment she meets you. She truly has a gift to make those around her feel like they matter, which often looks like a message letting you know she’s thinking of you or an actual gift to communicate the same thing. She is wild, loyal, adventurous and her extravagant generosity is a beautiful reflection of God’s heart for people. Coffee shops, longboarding, road trips and the beach are some of her favorite things. If you’re ever around her, we dare you to try and not have fun. There’s never a dull moment with Megan! She adds vibrancy to our community we wouldn’t be the same without.

Megan Strickland

Megan Strickland

Clayton, North Carolina

Megan is one of those people who will treat you like you’re already friends the moment she meets you. She truly has a gift to make those around her feel like they matter, which often looks like a message letting you know she’s thinking of you or an actual gift to communicate the same thing. She is wild, loyal, adventurous and her extravagant generosity is a beautiful reflection of God’s heart for people. Coffee shops, longboarding, road trips and the beach are some of her favorite things. If you’re ever around her, we dare you to try and not have fun. There’s never a dull moment with Megan! She adds vibrancy to our community we wouldn’t be the same without.

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Haines True

Douglas, Wyoming

Haines embodies humility and a servant's heart, always willing to help in any way he can. As a life-long rancher from Wyoming, he is incredibly hardworking and grounded. Loyal and down-to-earth, Haines is passionate about both learning and mentoring others in their journey with Christ. He’s a great listener and a true friend, always there to offer support and guidance.

Haines True

Haines True

Douglas, Wyoming 

Haines embodies humility and a servant's heart, always willing to help in any way he can. As a life-long rancher from Wyoming, he is incredibly hardworking and grounded. Loyal and down-to-earth, Haines is passionate about both learning and mentoring others in their journey with Christ. He’s a great listener and a true friend, always there to offer support and guidance.


Hannah Joy Thomas

Summers, Arkansas

Hannah Joy is a southern belle with a sassy streak that might surprise you.  Her name is a perfect depiction of who she is — joy follows her into every situation she finds herself facing.  Her bright personality and genuine excitement about life have the ability to immediately brighten any room, and her sharp wit is a tool that often aids her in her quest to bring people together through laughter.  Hannah Joy is a diligent and dedicated servant, passionate about being a voice for the voiceless and seeing justice brought to young women who were robbed of it. She’s also constantly looking for new screamo music to add to her repertoire, so if you have any recommendations, be sure to send them her way.

Hannah Joy Thomas

Hannah Joy Thomas

Summers, Arkansas

Hannah Joy is a southern belle with a sassy streak that might surprise you.  Her name is a perfect depiction of who she is — joy follows her into every situation she finds herself facing.  Her bright personality and genuine excitement about life have the ability to immediately brighten any room, and her sharp wit is a tool that often aids her in her quest to bring people together through laughter.  Hannah Joy is a diligent and dedicated servant, passionate about being a voice for the voiceless and seeing justice brought to young women who were robbed of it. She’s also constantly looking for new screamo music to add to her repertoire, so if you have any recommendations, be sure to send them her way.


Jake & Gail Troyer


Jake and Gail deeply treasure each other and the people around them. They care for others in the ways they freely open their home, creatively bless, actively listen, and believe the best in people. Jake met Jesus in the middle of the night during spring break in a beach house in Florida, and he’s never been the same since! He has a hunger to walk closely with Jesus and a passion to share God’s heart with others, whether that’s praying for their healing, encouraging others in their walk, or sharing what God’s been revealing to him personally. Gail is a gentle sunbeam, bringing warmth and beauty to those around her through joyful creativity and deep relationship. She has many talents, but she’s quiet about it, so you might have to bribe her with Chick-Fil-A to get her to show them off. Extroverted like her father, Isa doesn't know a stranger and is the perfect expression of the continued grace of God to the Troyer family!

Jake & Gail Troyer

Jake & Gail Troyer


Jake and Gail deeply treasure each other and the people around them. They care for others in the ways they freely open their home, creatively bless, actively listen, and believe the best in people. Jake met Jesus in the middle of the night during spring break in a beach house in Florida, and he’s never been the same since! He has a hunger to walk closely with Jesus and a passion to share God’s heart with others, whether that’s praying for their healing, encouraging others in their walk, or sharing what God’s been revealing to him personally. Gail is a gentle sunbeam, bringing warmth and beauty to those around her through joyful creativity and deep relationship. She has many talents, but she’s quiet about it, so you might have to bribe her with Chick-Fil-A to get her to show them off. Extroverted like her father, Isa doesn't know a stranger and is the perfect expression of the continued grace of God to the Troyer family!


Cole Wilhelm

West Chester, Ohio

Cole is the kind of friend who is ready to slow down, listen, and drink a good cup of coffee. He’s someone who values deep friendship and has a gift for making others feel welcomed and heard. Cole worships the Lord simply by the way he loves God and others–but you can also find him on the guitar leading others in literal worship as well. Though Cole may seem reserved, don’t be fooled; Cole has a competitive flare. Whether it’s with boxing, soccer, or a game of Sudoku–he’s ready to win. But, even in competition, he has others in mind. He cares about relationships and walks in humility. Cole brings so much to our base!

Cole Wilhelm

Cole Wilhelm

West Chester, Ohio

Cole is the kind of friend who is ready to slow down, listen, and drink a good cup of coffee. He’s someone who values deep friendship and has a gift for making others feel welcomed and heard. Cole worships the Lord simply by the way he loves God and others–but you can also find him on the guitar leading others in literal worship as well. Though Cole may seem reserved, don’t be fooled; Cole has a competitive flare. Whether it’s with boxing, soccer, or a game of Sudoku–he’s ready to win. But, even in competition, he has others in mind. He cares about relationships and walks in humility. Cole brings so much to our base!

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Belicia Yoder

Sugarcreek, Ohio

Belicia is a delightful blend of fun, wisdom, and friendliness. With a deep devotion to the Lord, her heart is dedicated to living a faith-filled life. Always ready for a spontaneous adventure and a good laugh, Belicia also holds a natural ability to uplift and encourage those around her. Something you may not guess is that she knows how to speak Pennsylvania Dutch! Loyalty, hard work, and determination define her character. We’re so grateful Belicia is around!

Belicia Yoder

Belicia Yoder

Sugarcreek, Ohio 

Belicia is a delightful blend of fun, wisdom, and friendliness. With a deep devotion to the Lord, her heart is dedicated to living a faith-filled life. Always ready for a spontaneous adventure and a good laugh, Belicia also holds a natural ability to uplift and encourage those around her. Something you may not guess is that she knows how to speak Pennsylvania Dutch! Loyalty, hard work, and determination define her character. We’re so grateful Belicia is around!

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