The YWAM Blog

Staff Spotlight

Jose’s Story: What’s Changed?

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My walk with God before DTS was very much based on religion and shame. I was raised Catholic, so I […]

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Questions Unanswered: Why You Should Do a YWAM BSN

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During my School of Ministry Development (SOMD) the Lord first placed it on my heart to be a part of […]

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Collin’s Story: What’s Changed?

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I’m not who I was before DTS, I’ve changed.   I did my DTS in the fall of 2016, right […]

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What I Heard in the Stillness

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Change: it’s a part of life. We can know this, say this, but when the ole’ saying “the rubber meets […]

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college and missions

From College to Missions: Heather’s DTS Story

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I had just graduated college with a Bachelor’s in Social Work and a determination in my heart to “help” others […]

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Tips on How to Spend Time With God

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“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.” -St Augustine […]

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5 Ways To Tell if You Are a 3rd Culture Kid

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First of all, a third culture kid (or TCK) is someone who was raised in a culture that is different from their parents culture, or the culture of the country on their passport. They assume a new third culture that is influenced both by their parents and where they’re raised.

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