Bible School for the Nations

We want people to know the Bible! It has the power to transform not only our individual lives, but also the society we live in. Our Bible School for the Nations (BSN) was designed to further the Great Commission by equipping students to effectively disciple the nations.


Not Just Information

The BSN is not just about accumulating knowledge or facts; it’s about knowing the God of the Bible, fostering a life-long love for the Word, and going to the nations equipped with truth that transforms. 

The 6 month BSN core course is designed to provide a Biblical foundation, tools and skills for those who are hungry for the Living Word. As you study the Scriptures, deepen your love for God and your desire to share His Word in the nations.

During the four month classroom phase of the BSN, students will grow in their biblical worldview as they gain an overall understanding of the Bible while studying it chronologically. With a focus on personal and societal application, students’ confidence in God will be enlarged as they understand His character, how He brings about His purposes in history, and learn His intentions for each sphere of society.


Get Equipped

The BSN immerses you in the whole story of the Bible, working through the Old and New Testament chronologically and exploring all the ways God has revealed Himself to us throughout. The four-month lecture phase will train you to

  • Make relevant applications of biblical truth to all areas of life
  • Cultivate a lifestyle of hunger for God’s Word
  • Develop tools for studying and understanding Scripture
  • Learn to effectively communicate God’s truth
  • Grasp the overall story of the Bible
  • Take the transforming power of the Bible to the nations
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I see Gods character throughout the whole Bible

During my lecture phase I walked in not being able to connect “Old Testament” God to the new. Having gone through YWAM's BSN I can now say that I see Gods character through out the whole Bible and that He is good

I have grown in my confidence in the Bible and my ability to teach and speak on topics in the Bible.

I think the biggest impact this BSN has had on my life is my passion for the Bible now. I have a deep passion to read the bible and really understand it now, as well as help other people to understand it. I also have grown in my confidence in the bible and my ability to teach and speak on topics in the Bible. Another thing that I have grown and seen throughout these 4 months has been my relationship with God. I have a more personal relationship with God now than I ever have, and I think a lot of that is due to reading the whole bible and seeing how God reacted and worked on behalf of his people in the Old Testament.

I’ve seen God's character so much more clearly

It’s been both an experiential knowing and a greater understanding. I feel like I can walk away knowing that God is who he says he is. Somehow I’ve always doubted that. But I feel sure of his faithfulness and goodness like I never have been before. I’m excited to continue studying and experiencing God in new ways.

Cody Tyler

BSN Alumni

During my lecture phase I walked in not being able to connect “Old Testament” God to the new. Having gone through YWAM's BSN I can now say that I see Gods character through out the whole Bible and that He is good

Randy Aills

BSN Alumni

Going into my BSN I thought I had to have more knowledge of the Bible to be able to do this school. The Lord showed me more of who He is and that it is more than knowing information from the Bible but it’s about relationship and transformation of the heart. I better understand who He is and now see He is the same God in the Old Testament as He is in the New Testament. I also grew in my confidence of sharing truth with others.

Juanita Brangers

BSN Alumni

I never expected to enjoy being in the village we went to as much as I did. I was encouraged and humbled to see how involved the people were with our teachings. We had just finished our two weeks of the Bible seminar, and I was talking to the chief of the village. He told me that he had been praying for weeks for something like this seminar to be  brought to their village. He had felt very spiritually dry and needed uplifting and that we had been an answer to his prayers. The past two weeks had been exactly what he needed. He was very thankful that we had come all the way to Fiji to bring God’s word and simple truths that we so easily forget. It was amazing to see God move through our obedience to Him!

BSN Course Modules

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Old Testament

New Testament

Methods & Topics

The BSN uses a chronological method to study the full historical narrative of a God who rules and reigns in the world and redeems His people for Himself.

Topics Include:

God's nature and character

God's kingdom principles

God's purpose for humanity

God's interaction with His creation


In many places in the world, the church is expanding, yet is riddled with unbiblical thinking and behavior due to its lack of scriptural understanding and application.  This lack of discipleship in the ways of God has resulted in broken families, divided churches struggling with sinful habits, and communities marked by vice and lost in hopelessness and pain.

Our vision is to see communities and people groups transformed by the Word of God through empowering church and community leaders who have limited access to Biblical training. Therefore, after your four-month lecture phase, you will travel overseas and apply what you learned.

Outreach is a two-month outreach focused on equipping local churches and pastors with practical bible training. We partner with BELT (Biblical Education & Leadership Training) in supporting and empowering indigenous local pastors and community leaders who have limited access to Bible training.

BELT began in 1995 with the partnership of YWAM and Wycliffe Bible Translators giving the Bible to people groups in their native tongue and running Bible immersion seminars.

bsn-outreach (2)

Upcoming BSN Dates & Costs


Mar 08, 2026 – Aug 22, 2026


based on location


Mar 2027 (Exact Dates TBD)


based on location


The BSN is open to anyone who has successfully completed a YWAM Discipleship Training School

Lecture Phase is $3890 and the price of outreach will depend on the location

A typical week in BSN includes daily personal time with Jesus, daily class time on that week’s topic, homework / study time, intercession and worship with the broader YWAM Louisville family, local outreach opportunities, and work detail.

Once your application has been processed, we'll send you a packing list and other helpful information. But here are three essentials: a heart to learn, some way to take notes and complete assignments, and an ESV or NASB Bible.

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