IMPORTANT: The applicant has waived any right to read or obtain copies of this recommendation. The applicant has applied for admission to Youth With A Mission. Serious consideration will be given to your comments; therefore, we ask that you complete this form carefully. Your early response will be most appreciated, as the applicant's file cannot be considered until this office has received all forms. Please feel free to make additional comments and email them to us at [email protected]. Thank you for taking time to help us in this way. We sincerely appreciate your cooperation.Name of Applicant You're Filling Out This Reference For:* Known Applicant For How Long?* Please check the following, and comment when necessary.How well do you know the applicant?* Very Well Well Casually Your relationship to the applicant is:* Employer Teacher Pastor Parent The Candidate's:Ability to Follow* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Concern for Others* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Decision-Making* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Emotional Stability* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Health* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Initiative* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Leadership* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Personal Appearance* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Social Adaptability* Superior Above Average Average Below Average Comments:Christian Character* Well Balanced Average Unstable Cooperativeness* Works Well with Others Average Avoids Group Activities Disposition* Cheerful Average Passive Financial Responsibility* Honors Obligations Average Neglectful Flexibility* Open to Change Average Unyielding Industry* Hard Worker Average Lacks Persistence Mental Ability* Quick to Comprehend Average Slow Punctuality* Punctual Average Often Late Reliability* Meets Obligations Average Neglects Obligations Comments:Is the applicant active in church work? (Please give details.)*Do they display high moral standards?* Yes No Please Explain:Are they prejudiced against any group, race, or nationality?* Yes No Please Explain:*With reference to their Christian service, do you consider the applicant to be:* Dedicated Average Casual Please Explain:Which of the following would best describe the applicant’s Christian experience?* Mature Contagious Genuine and Growing Over-Emotional Superficial Please Explain:What could YWAM do to aid the applicant’s personal development?Please comment on the applicant’s family background (If known):Please add any other pertinent remarks (i.e. medical, psychological, drug or alcohol abuse, criminal record, occult practices, etc.).Is the applicant financially responsible?*Would you recommend the applicant for acceptance into Youth With A Mission? Yes With Some Reservation No Please Explain:Personal InformationReference's (Your) Name:* Title:* Reference's (Your) Phone Number:*Reference's (Your) Address: Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Please type your full name to certify that the information given above is accurate.* Today's Date* MM slash DD slash YYYY Δ