It was a chilly Thursday afternoon. A group of us DTS students had gone to a bus stop to love others and share about Jesus by handing out free hot chocolate and praying for people. As we were doing so a man with a limp approached us. His first words to us were, “Why are you just giving things away?”.

His first words to us were, “Why are you just giving things away?”

We explained to him that we simply wanted people to know the love of God. Instantly his demeanor changed and became one of anger. In a bitter tone he said, “I won’t believe it till one of you walks on water!” We asked if we could pray for him in any way and he reluctantly accepted. After praying for him, he took a couple steps away with wide eyes. It was obvious he wasn’t limping anymore.

It was obvious he wasn’t limping anymore.

He looked at us completely calmed down from before, and said, “You all really do believe this stuff, don’t you?” He continued saying that if his swelling went down he was gonna, “hangout with you all more”.

Through this, God showed me His true power when we step out in faith and love. It was a reminder that God’s love can break down any barriers and has the ability to turn an anger and bitter man into an astonished, joyous one!

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