The Reason for the Season

It’s been said that, “Christmas is God’s ultimate peace project,” meaning the birth of Jesus made way for ultimate belonging and relationship with God. This is what we were created for to begin with. Perfect peace and harmony are essential and nothing else was known before sin had been welcomed in to the lives of mankind.

While we love the food, the family, and even the giving and receiving of presents; we celebrate Christmas as the birth of Christ, our long awaited King. The first foreshadowing of the coming Messiah can be found in Genesis right after sin entered. All through the Old Testament, we find scripture prophesying how the Messiah would come and what He would do. When we look at the Old Testament and cross it with what we know about Jesus, it all points to Him being the true Messiah, the son of God.

“Your savior is born today in David’s city. He is Christ the Lord!” – Luke 2:11

Jesus came, in what you may have grown up being told in Sunday school, as a “humble way.” He wasn’t born into royalty, he wasn’t born in a bathtub, he wasn’t even born of a married couple. Isaiah prophesied (chapter 7, verse 14) we would know who Jesus is because he would be born of a virgin… ta-da!

God’s heart has always been for all people to be in relationship with him and Christmas is the beginning of the end of God’s ultimate mission. Because of Jesus’ coming, all people now will have access to belonging.

Christmas is the beginning of the end of God’s ultimate mission.

Adam and Eve waited for him, David cried out asking when he would come, Zachariah expected his coming, John the baptist came and prepared the way then finally, circa 2,000 year ago, Jesus breathed his first human breath and laid to rest in a manger.

There is hope found in this season and we all now get to respond to the mission God gave his first humans, to be fruitful and multiply, not as single people, but together with our Maker. Christmas is the coming of our long awaited King, the King of all kings, and the King who will one day be the king all tribes and peoples bow to and worship. He is the Light of the World. He is the Lamb who takes away all of our sins. He is the Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God. What a gift Jesus is!

There is hope found in this season and we all now get to respond to the mission God gave his first humans, to be fruitful and multiply, not as single people, but together with our Maker.

Christmas, therefore, is God’s ultimate peace project, for it leads way to our forever. Be fruitful and multiply. Go and share the good news, for in a stable in the little town of Bethlehem, a savior has been born!

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