Q: What made you decide to do DTS?

A: Jesus. I felt God calling me to YWAM and He used my pastor and different people to confirm it. I asked God if Louisville was the location He wanted me to go to, and I felt like He said yes. I had two friends from church who had been here before.

Q: What were you doing before DTS?

A: I was working as an electrician which I had been doing this for five years.

Q: Were there any things that happened that could have stopped you from being able to come?

A: No.

Q: Were there things or opportunities you had to let go of or give up in order to come?

A: Money and the security of finances with my weekly paychecks. Other than that, no.

Q: Was it hard? Why or why not?

A: Yeah, I went back and forth. I’m a big saver. God told me, “If you want money more than me, you can have it and stay. Otherwise, if you want to do my will, go down there.”

“If you want money more than me, you can have it and stay. Otherwise, if you want to do my will, go down there.”

Q: What have you learned so far since being in DTS?

A: I’ve learned a lot about how to love and invest in others even when I don’t want to.

I’ve definitely had a revelation of God’s love for me and what it means to have intimacy with God. I’ve always known but the last three years I had been focusing on my job and schooling so now that I have this season to focus on intimacy with the Lord He’s revealing Himself to me in ways I wasn’t allowing Him to before.

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