From Fiji: From Fear to Faith

For BSN outreaches, the main objective is to run intensive seminars teaching what we have learned during lecture phase. The goal is to equip local leaders through culturally relevant bible training (BELT). The training teaches them to apply Scripture to every aspect of life and equips them to teach and influence others.

Here’s a story from the last seminar we did in Fiji:


“While walking home after the seminar one evening with the pastor’s daughter, I asked how she thought the seminar was going. I was asking mostly to receive some feedback on how she thought the other participants were doing with the material. Instead, she proceeded to open up her heart about what the Lord had been speaking to her.

“I never thought I could relate to Abraham because he was so perfect.”

She said, “I have grown up in church my whole life. I never thought I could relate to Abraham because he was so perfect. When you guys said that Abraham struggled with fear, I was skeptical because I had never seen that before. But it says right there in scripture God tells him, ‘do not be afraid.’ Why would God tell Abraham that if he wasn’t struggling with fear?!!? Suddenly, I realized for the first time that I can relate to Abraham, and that if he struggled with fear but is remembered as a man of faith, I can be like that, too. And it gave me so much hope.

“Suddenly, I realized for the first time that I can relate to Abraham, and that if he struggled with fear but is remembered as a man of faith, I can be like that, too.”

If the only reason you guys came was for me, it was worth it and I am grateful to the Lord.”‘


-Kelly Taylor, BSN Staff

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