From South Africa: Jesus Changes Everything

The town was quiet that morning as our team walked down the dirt roads of a local community in South Africa. During this time, we went door-to-door to make friends and share about the love of Jesus.

Our attention was drawn to a lady sitting further down the street.

As we were walking, our attention was drawn to a lady sitting outside a house further down the street. We really felt the Holy Spirit leading us to talk to her, so my two friends and I approached her.

We chatted with “Maria” and found it easy to connect with her friendly personality. Maria shared that she believed in God, but when asked if she had relationship with Jesus, Maria responded with a blank expression. We explained not only who Jesus is and everything He has done for her, but also how He is alive today and wants to have a relationship with her.

One of us was wearing a shirt that said, “Jesus changes everything”.

One of us was wearing a shirt that said, “Jesus changes everything”. Pointing to the shirt, we told Maria that Jesus changed our lives and wanted to change hers from the inside out as well. When Maria heard that, she said, “I want that! What do I do to have Jesus?We led her in prayer and encouraged her to read the Bible and connect with a church.

After we finished talking, we noticed her getting up to leave. Confused, we asked, “Wait, you don’t live here?” She replied, “No, I live all the way down the other street. I just felt like sitting here for a bit.” We were amazed how Jesus led us to meet Maria and used a simple shirt to speak to her heart!


-Tati, Staff

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