A Q&A with Anna / How Saying “Yes” Changed Everything

Q: How did you get to DTS?

A: Long story short, I was obedient. I was planning to join the Air Force and eventually do long-term missions. I wanted to do missions for selfish reasons – I wanted to leave home. That was my first priority, but my second reason was to see if that was what God had for me.

As time went on, the Air Force slowly slipped away from my plans and I started to only look into missions, and I eventually found YWAM. A week after discovering YWAM, I moved out of my parents house, and YWAM dropped on my list of priorities. I was now being forced into independence, and I became overwhelmingly anxious. I lived with a couple from church for six months and I learned that the wife also did YWAM. During that time YWAM Louisville continually reached out but I kept saying no to these nudges. I kept giving into my fear of not having the necessary finances and what living in community would look like. One day, I just decided to just say “yes” and I began to grow out of my anxiety and fear.

I kept giving into my fear of not having the necessary finances and what living in community would look like.

Q: How did God come through with finances? 

A: My parents gave me a significant amount toward my DTS tuition, and that’s how my fundraising process began. I also asked people to partner with me financially and there were handfuls of people who responded. Two days before my tuition was due, I still had $330 left to raise. That day, I spoke to the dad of my house-dad, and he said, “I don’t know you very well, but I’ve seen you grow and there’s something different about you.” I said, “Yes, I’ve found something to look forward to that I have peace about.” We said our last goodbye for the next five months, and two hours later, I saw in my Venmo that he gave me exactly $330. God provided exactly what I needed to be here. 

One day, I just decided to just say “yes” instead, and I began to grow out of my anxiety and fear.

Q: What would you say to people who are saying “no” to DTS? 

A: Say no to the fear of fundraising and share with people about your journey and where you’re going because they care. DTS was going to be a lot of money, and my original perception in my fear was that I was going to pay for it all by myself. I believed the lie that nobody would partner with me financially. I worked to fundraise and people responded well and was able to raise the funds to be here and built partnerships with people that I didn’t even know would be possible!



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