From South Asia: The Gospel that Changes Lives

“But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.” -John 1:12


God is moving around the world. He is using His people to bring healing and restoration to the broken, to speak hope in the darkest places and to bring back to Him those who are lost. Our teams have spent the last 6 weeks sharing the Gospel with those who have never heard of Jesus, and here are some of their stories:



“We went to a village where there was only one Christian. The village had a curse on it that had caused many men to suffer from severe leg injuries. We met one of these men and his family. He had many rods and plates in his knees from his injury. His leg below the knee was supposed to get amputated but some Christians had come and prayed  for him, and it was healed enough that it didn’t need to be amputated anymore. Still, their hearts were hardened towards Jesus. The wife said she would believe in Jesus if her daughter would have a baby. Her heart was full of pride and she wanted nothing to do with Jesus. We asked what they knew about a Jesus, and it was very little. We then shared the Gospel with them, telling them how Jesus died on the cross and thought of their names while doing so. We shared how Jesus is a gift to us. The man said he wanted that gift too and we led him in a prayer. As I opened my eyes, I saw the woman kneeling down beside the man and joining in the prayer, too. Afterwards, the man couldn’t stop smiling and his wife  said that her heart felt different. Jesus completely broke down this family’s stronghold of pride and softened their heart. They were both filled with Joy!”

-Aaron, DTS student

“Jesus completely broke down this family’s stronghold of pride and softened their heart.”


“Before this trip, I had never had the opportunity to lead someone to the Lord, I doubted that my testimony could impact people, and sharing the gospel always made me nervous. But, one night my team and I got to visit a Hindu woman and share the Gospel with her. We could tell she wasn’t saved, but when we tried to talk about Jesus, she kept insisting she believed in Him and then would start complaining about her physical needs. It felt like we weren’t getting anywhere so we stopped and took a moment to ask God for a way to reach her. We decided to ask her if we could pray for the pain she was complaining about. After we prayed, she said the pain didn’t feel any better, but then I was able to share my testimony about how I have personally asked God for healing many times but haven’t received it yet. Suddenly something clicked and she listened intently – I could tell she really was relating to my story. I was able to tell her that Jesus also knew what it was like to suffer physical pain, and I explained in detail what He went through on the cross. After, she said she wanted to accept Jesus as her Savior. She even said “I’m not lying – I want Jesus to change my life!” Revelation 12:11 says that there is power in our testimonies. I never knew until this moment how true that is. It was amazing to see Jesus use my story to reach this woman, and if more people can come to know Jesus by relating to my testimony, then, I want to keep sharing it.”

-Kate, DTS student

“It was amazing to see Jesus use my story to reach this woman, and if more people can come to know Jesus by relating to my testimony, then, I want to keep sharing it.”


“In November, I was praying for what God wanted for me on my outreach to Southeast Asia. I got the word “ramen,” and I thought that was the silliest thing ever, but I wrote it down. Fast forward to the fourth week of outreach. My team and I were walking the streets of a village when we met a very joyful man who wanted us to come into his home. When I asked him his name, he responded by telling me his name was “Vijay Ramen.” My soul came alive! I knew God was going to use me to bring him into the Kingdom. He spoke decent English, but we still had our translator translate my friends testimony, and my presentation of the Gospel. I was really hopeful, until his mom started asking for prayer requests, and I could feel the opportunity slipping away. Our translator felt it was time to move on, and I was heartbroken. He followed us outside, and I simply wouldn’t give up. I turned around and walked up to him and pulled out my phone and showed him what God had told me 3 months ago. He was so shocked and it blew the door wide open for me to share how much God loves him personally. After sharing for 3 minutes of how much God loves him and the amazing things God has for his life, I asked him THE question. “Do you want to give your life to Jesus?” And he responded with and emphatic, “Yes!” I didn’t have to ask him to know his conversion was real, because God affirmed it with the joy he put in my heart. I was so excited, gave him a big hug, and he wouldn’t let me go! I’ve made a friend, lead a soul to Jesus, and saw God keep His promise.”

-Travis, DTS Student

“I’ve made a friend, lead a soul to Jesus, and saw God keep His promise.”

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