From Mads: Always Cheering You On

When you think of celebration what do you think of?

Some people think of balloons, cupcakes and piñatas; or parties, dancing and big occasions with invitations and special food. But over the years I have learned that celebrating others is a choice you make in your heart first. “Cheering you on,” has been my email signature since I was a teenager. I always thought I just loved celebrating others because my personality is naturally bubbly & positive.

Trust me, I will be the first one in line for a fancy party or birthday cake but celebrating others is so much deeper than that. Imagine going to a party that no one wants to be at, or, telling someone exciting news and they have no response. What a downer! You could have the very best party written down on paper but if people in their hearts are not walking in joy and don’t have the courage to care about someone else’s dreams, the whole thing will be a sad, sad sight. 

A Personal Story

Three months ago I sat across from a friend at a little pizza shop and she shared something really exciting that happened, something that she had been hoping for, for a while. I was so excited for her but in the moment I had a choice. I prayed a little prayer in my heart and told God that I always want to be someone who celebrates others, that gives love away instead of picking selfishness. 

Of course we want to bring the balloons and the confetti cannons but more than that I want to spend the rest of my life sitting across from my people with joy in my eyes and hope in my heart for the things that are creating awe and wonder in theirs. From the smallest ways they see God to the most important news they could get, I wanna show up. I want them to know, to really know that their life is worth celebrating because what God does is worth that. The rest of my life I want to love people and their God-sized dreams. 

I always want to be someone who celebrates others, that gives love away instead of picking selfishness.

But because of things like fear, comparison and pride we choose to be robbed of the places that God has for us to show up, love others, and be loved. Comparison is writing a story of lies that is trying to steal from you and if you believe them, then they are. These are things like, “if only I had that thing like _____ does, then I would be happy” or with a hard heart someone says, “when is it my turn to be the one people celebrate?”. 

True Celebration

Here is the truth, celebration is when our heart says, I want others to succeed because God is doing something wonderful for them, too. When we tally who shows up for us and who we show up for, we lose touch with the gift that celebration is. We make it into a god that won’t ever satisfy us. Comparison steals joy and is the thief of destiny. Just because someone else has a good gift to celebrate doesn’t mean I have any less chance of receiving a good gift too. The Kingdom of God is abundant in good gifts because that is who God is. So celebrate others because it doesn’t take anything from me that God can’t give. 

So, bring the cake but also show up. Celebrate people where they are. Because God’s eyes are always on people and that means that ours should be, too. 

Always Cheering You On,  



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