One Tuesday evening, after distributing Bibles in Monterrey, our team had dinner at the house of some local church members. After what was likely the best BBQ ever, two of my friends and I decided to go for a walk. There was a park next to the house where some kids were trying to get the merry-go-round going without much luck. One of my friends asked them if they wanted to be pushed, and got this crusty old merry-go-round spinning faster than it probably ever has before. We then got a game of freeze tag going with the kids as well!

After we had befriended these children I thought we should share the Gospel with them!

After we had befriended these children I thought we should share the Gospel with them! I then ran back inside to get our other team members and someone who could translate for us. I told them we wanted to do some skits for them! The kids asked good questions, and were actually able to understand the concepts of sin and relationship with God through our performances.

So, I took the opportunity and explained the Gospel. God made us and loves us, but our sin keeps us from having right relationship with Him, so He sent Jesus to live and die for us and if we accept Him we can have relationship with God again. I asked if any of these kids wanted to pray and accept Jesus into their hearts. Each and every kid raised their hand eagerly! Then, I showed the kids how to ask for forgiveness and accept Jesus as their Savior. We had extra Bibles in our van, and were able to give each kid their very own New Testament!

Ministry is never just nine to five. Serving Jesus is 24/7, 365, and the fruit is sweeter than you could ever imagine.

The best part of this whole situation was that this ministry was not even planned. These children came to know the Lord through my friend’s willingness to play games with them, and our team’s willingness to present the Gospel spontaneously in a park at night. Ministry is never just nine to five. Serving Jesus is 24/7, 365, and the fruit is sweeter than you could ever imagine. There’s never a wrong time to tell people that God loves them!


– Addie, Winter 2021 DTS Student

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