One Thursday, during Bible distribution, we came to this house that we ended up spending the entire day at. We met a 21 year old girl at this house and talked about how she knew God and the Bible. It was clear, though, that she didn’t have an actual relationship with Him. We talked with her about the difference between head and heart knowledge, but I could feel that it wasn’t the right time to ask if she wanted to receive Jesus into her heart. So we just kept talking.


We met a 21 year old girl at this house and talked about how she knew God and the Bible. It was clear, though, that she didn’t have an actual relationship with Him.


She then explained that she wanted her boyfriend to go to church. She asked us how she could get him to go with her when he has no interest in God. I was able to share some things that I’ve experienced in my life. I told her that the best thing is to pursue Jesus herself and to pray for him. Then, I told her that his relationship with Jesus isn’t her responsibility, but it was her responsibility to be a light to him, to pray for him, and to love him as Jesus would. I could tell she was encouraged and then we prayed for her and for her relationship with her boyfriend.

We then invited her to the park we were going to later and she said she would come with her boyfriend. I was super stoked! As we left her house, I was really hoping and praying that they would get saved that night! No one ended up coming to the park that night, so we prayed for people to come and worshiped Jesus. We felt like the Lord told us to stay, even though we had the option to go to another park with potentially more people. Then, about 20 minutes before we left, the couple came!


“I don’t really believe in God. I’ve been through a lot and never felt like he was there even though every one said that God is always there.”


I didn’t know where to start, so I prayed that the Lord would give me words to say and then asked her boyfriend what he liked to do. I guess he didn’t hear my question, because he immediately started talking and said, “I don’t really believe in God. I’ve been through a lot and never felt like He was there even though every one said that God is always there.” I was like ok, sweet God just answered my prayer. So I started explaining how God really is always there and that He doesn’t hide Himself from us. Although, it’s so important that we give our lives to Him because He’s after our hearts.


We could all tell that something was immediately different in both of them and that God had moved.


I talked about how we want people to encounter Jesus the way that we have because it’s the best kind of love. Then, I asked if they wanted to receive Jesus into their hearts and both of them said yes! I prayed with them as they accepted Jesus and then gave the boyfriend a Bible. He was SO happy! He started reading John out loud after showing him that it was a good place to start. We could all tell that something was immediately different in both of them and that God had moved. He really answers prayers and works through any situation even if it isn’t what we planned!


– Jasmine, Spring 2021 SOMD

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