Devotional: Follow Me

Several times throughout the Gospels, Jesus says to different people, “Follow Me.” What a simple, yet beautiful invitation He offered.

A lot of times I complicate things when it comes to my walk with God. I want to have a formula of what to do to get the results I want. I want a checklist to make sure that I am doing enough.

  • Am I praying enough?
  • Have I read my Bible enough?
  • Am I being loving enough?
  • Have I given God enough time?

With those questions though, I am making it all about me and what I do. It is not about me. When my eyes are focused on myself, I can’t follow Jesus because I can’t see Him or where He is going. Jesus didn’t come and give a long list of things to do, instead, He simply said, “Follow Me.”


Jesus didn’t come and give a long list of things to do, instead, He simply said, “Follow Me.”


How do you follow someone?

You have to look at them and see where they are going. In order to do that, you have to spend time with them. With that, I would encourage you to spend time with God. What does that look like, you might wonder? A bunch of different things - there truly is no formula. Here are some of the things that I do:

  • Read my Bible: When you read your Bible, read it to get to know the Author. For example, I have recently been reading through the gospel of Luke and asking myself: what can I learn about who Jesus is through this?
  • Journal
  • Go on a walk
  • Sit and be still
  • Watercolor

Jesus is calling out to you, “Follow Me.” How are you going to respond?

Written By: Cassidy

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