DTS Schedule

A Typical Day In DTS

Wondering what your DTS schedule will look like? A typical day is full of opportunities to learn and grow, but also leaves time to hangout with friends. Here is a glimpse of what your day-to-day will look like during the lecture phase:


First thing in the morning we get up and get ready for the day, eating breakfast and getting our coffee fix. We set this hour aside to focus on connecting personally with Jesus – the best start to any day.

Class: 9:00 – 12:30

We’ll often kick off the morning with worship or scripture meditation. Then we’ll learn from that week’s speaker, who may be a YWAM teacher, a staff member, or a local pastor. (And don’t worry – there are coffee and bathroom breaks built into the morning.)

Lunch: 12:30 – 1:45 pm

Our whole YWAM family gathers for a home-cooked meal. Visitors praise our salad bar but everyone’s got their favorite YWAM Louisville menu item, whether it’s baked ravioli or our famous peanut butter apple dip. It’s not uncommon for anyone who’s not on lunch clean-up to toss a frisbee, shoot some hoops, or play some volleyball.

Afternoons / Evenings

Afternoon Activities: 1:45 – 4:00

Afternoons in the DTS schedule vary. They can involve further teaching, ministry training for outreach, times of prayer for the nations, small group, local ministry – we keep learning in the afternoons, it just tends to be even more interactive.

Work Detail: 4:00 – 6:00

Here’s the part where we all chip in to make things work. That may be cleaning our classroom or doing yardwork at one of our houses. Like everything else in DTS, work detail is part of the learning experience.

Dinner: 6:00 – 7:00

Our mealtimes are a great opportunity to connect with one another and share what God is doing in our lives. Conversation around the tables also tends to include crazy stories and funny jokes. In other words, it’s family. It’s fun!

Evening: 7:00 – 10:30

While sometimes there’s a DTS function going on (like a ministry event, training session, or birthday party), often evenings are free, and DTS students like to spend them relaxing, catching up on homework (yes, DTS has homework), calling friends or family back home, or just spending time with one another, whether in our homes or somewhere else.

Good Night!: 10:30 pm

We don’t have a set-in-stone bedtime; we just maintain quiet in the houses after 10:30 on weekdays. This helps us wind down our day and be well rested for everything God has in store tomorrow.


While some weekends will have ministry activities or class outings scheduled, you’ll often have free time on the weekends to relax, catch up with family, and work on DTS assignments. Many Saturday mornings we gather to do ministry in our city! We’ll also hang out together in other ways (like Ultimate Frisbee, trips to the park or our favorite ice cream shop, or a game night). Church attendance is another part of our weekends; it’s required in DTS, and YWAMers worship with several different local congregations. We’ll help you find a church to commit to while you’re here.

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