Overseas Outreach
After your US-based training, you will head overseas and engage in a full range of ministry opportunities. You’ll get your hands dirty with practical projects like digging a well, building a home, or preparing meals for homeless families. You’ll get a better look at God’s big, beautiful family as you minister alongside local believers. Best of all, you may be the first person to share the hope of Jesus with the people you meet!
And of course there will be interesting food to eat, brand new sights to see, and the adventure of exploring a culture entirely different from your own. Most people agree: DTS outreach is eye opening and life altering.
Aspects of Overseas Outreach
Stories From Outreach
Bolivia - “One of you stayed out so he could go in, but God said everyone can come in.”
3 of 7 End TourSoutheast Asia - In that moment, he was touched and asked me, “Why did he have to die on the cross?”
5 of 7 End Tour