6 Quick Tips For Effective Evangelism

The simple fact about evangelism is that it’s giving other people the opportunity to know God personally like you do through your own story and sharing the Gospel. It’s also something every Christian is called to. With that, here is six of our tips for effective friendship evangelism no matter where you are!

1. It’s not as scary as you think.

One of the biggest things that can keep us from talking to others is the thought, “what if they just start yelling at me or they think I’m weird?”. It would be more weird if they actually did start yelling at you, though, right? Also, making polite conversation with people has never been weird. Think about how much you do that in one day without even trying! Talking with people is one of the most natural things we do. People aren’t as scary as our fear might make them out to be.

2. There is always common ground.

It’s easy to believe that there is nothing that you and some stranger on the street have in common. That’s a lie! There is always common ground between strangers. Whether that be them wearing a super cute pair of shoes, wearing your favorite sports teams, reading your favorite book, listening to your favorite band, or many other things. There is always something that can spark conversation!

3. Quit making excuses.

Stop telling yourself, “They don’t want to hear what I want to say”, “I’m too introverted for this”, “I’m not a ‘missionary’, so this isn’t my job”, “I’m too awkward for this”, or “I’m not qualified to do this”. You CAN do this! God qualifies the called, and you are called to do this. So stop making the excuses and get out there!

4. Be in for the long haul.

Much like empires, friendships are not built in a day. Be in for the long haul when doing friendship evangelism. Be committed to the friendships that you invest in. How we live and invest in those friendships can be some of the most powerful testimonies. It’s easy to believe that if they don’t accept Jesus after the first meeting, you’ve failed. That’s not true, though! Sometimes, it could take days, months, and possibly years for them to see their need for Jesus. The question is: are they worth the time to you? (The answer should always be yes!)

5. People are not a project to be fixed.

To go along with the point above: the goal is to become friends with people and tell them about Jesus through your life. The goal is not to try and fix their life. Jesus is not a quick fix solution, He’s the only cure. You can’t fix them, only Jesus can. It’s your goal to lead them to the cure with love and perseverance, not be the cure for them. Be yourself! The most effective and important thing in friendship evangelism is that you’re being you!

6. Be confident in who you are.

It’s very easy to tell when people are being fake with you, right? So be completely yourself whether that’s a crazy cat lover, coffee connoisseur, or anime know-it- all! Genuineness is something everyone is looking for. Be honest if you’re even having a bad day. It shows that you’re real and not just wanting something from them. In friendship, telling good and bad goes both ways. It’s okay to not be the ‘perfect’ evangelist.

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