The YWAM Blog

Anna Seitz

Hunter’s Story: Why I Did A DTS

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When I was in eighth grade, I went to Brazil with our church. This was my first missions trip ever! […]

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Devotional: Feeling Stuck?

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Something the Lord has been challenging me with personally is how I spend time with Him. I think for a […]

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Kathryn’s Story: Why I Did DTS

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When I was in high school, I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life. I really […]

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From Mexico: A Surrender Story

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One Thursday, during Bible distribution, we came to this house that we ended up spending the entire day at. We […]

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For All People of Every Age

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One Tuesday evening, after distributing Bibles in Monterrey, our team had dinner at the house of some local church members. […]

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From Mads: Always Cheering You On

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When you think of celebration what do you think of? Some people think of balloons, cupcakes and piñatas; or parties, […]

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Married in Missions

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“How does it feel to be married and be a missionary?” “What? You are only 21 and you are married, […]

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