Reason #1: It Transforms Your Life
It's the teaching, it's the times of worship and prayer, it's the personal discipleship, it's living in our missionary community, it's taking the Gospel to the nations – most of all, it's the Holy Spirit at work in the lives of those who say, "Come have your way!" Just about anyone who has done a DTS looks back on it as radically shaping the rest of their life.
"There’s like a million reasons to do a DTS! It’s giving God time and space to do incredible things in your life and make your life more about who he is." - Drew, DTS grad
"It will turn your life upside down in all the best ways. It’s dangerous territory, but it’s the best!" - Summer, DTS student
"In DTS, God takes you out of the place where you’ve always been and takes you to a new level with him." - Lara, DTS grad
"It will change your life." - Cassidy, DTS student

Reason #2: Discover Your Calling
Ever wondered if God has a call on your life?
While the DTS teachings are impactful, we like to move beyond the theoretical; DTS outreach teams take those biblical principles and get practical, meeting real needs of real people from South African townships to Ukrainian orphanages, from Indian slums to the projects of Louisville, KY.
"If you’re hungry to grow in your relationship with the Lord and hungry to help other people, it’s a great opportunity to do both of those things." - Emily, ex-DTS Student
"God calls us to the Great Commission, and for me to be able to accomplish that I need to go deeper with God than I ever have before." - Josh, ex-DTS Student
"On my DTS outreach I learned how much God cares for people – and that God wants to use ME to show them that." - Ben, YWAM staff
"Sometimes we have a really good plan for our lives, sometimes we don’t – DTS is a good few months to get away and discover, 'This is who God is and this is what he expects of me.' ” - Rob, YWAM staff

Reason #3: Grow Together In Community
Join others from around the US and the world in pursuing God and learning more about Him. Being surrounded by a community that has the goal to know God and make Him known, ignites a fire in your soul to seek after God with all your heart.
"There's something special about pursuing the Lord together." - Kaylee, recent grad
"You get a community of people that pour into you and help you along your journey, and friends that really care about you." - Drew, ex-DTS student
"You form great friendships that will change your life!" - Jaron, DTS graduate
"For me to accomplish the Great Commission, I needed to go deeper with God. I needed to fellowship with others who want the same thing as me." - Josh, ex-DTS student

Reason #4: Live the Adventure
OK, so the YWAM life is not all about traveling to exotic places (although that's certainly one of the perks). The adventure we're talking about is the adventure of a life of faith. Discover more of the infinite ways of an always-powerful, always-loving God. Journey outside of the familiar to expand his kingdom. Deliver his message of good news to someone who has never even heard his name.
And climbing mountains, swimming oceans, exploring cities where no one speaks your language, sampling food you didn't know existed? Well, that's pretty exciting, too.
"You will grow and you will change while you live out an adventure you’ll never regret." - Kaylee, recent DTS grad
"It’s a great opportunity to see how God works in other parts of the world and experience life outside your comfort zone." - Britt, School of Ministry Development student
"God really does a deep work in your life – AND it’s a ton of fun and you get to travel the world!" - Drew, SOMD student

Reason #5: Dive Into God's Heart
Knowing God is the greatest adventure of all – and because he's infinite, it's a life-long quest. If this were the only benefit of a DTS, it would be well worth it.
"DTS is a time to dive into what God’s heart is for you, what his plans are for you, how to know him more." - Jesse, ex-DTS student
"It’s an opportunity to focus on growing a strong personal relationship with God." - Jaron, recent graduate
"It will challenge your faith and challenge the way you listen and respond to God’s call on your life. Everything you thought you knew about yourself it turns on its head and makes you realize how much you need the Lord in your life." - Liz, DTS student
"It will cause you to fall deeper in love with God and give you new insight on who he is." - Cassidy, DTS student

Interested in Jesus, adventure, and growing in your faith?
Do a Discipleship Training School, YWAM’s flagship missionary training course. It's a great gap year option. It's also perfect for anyone looking to step out of the ordinary and grow in your faith.
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