Sep 21, 2025 - Feb 28, 2026 OR Jan 4, 2026 – May 30, 2026
Elective Fee: $110
What is the Worship Elective?
This elective adds an emphasis to your regular DTS training. This emphasis focuses on honoring God with your musical gifts, building regular opportunities to hone your skills, working together in teams, and learning about leading others in worship. Spend the first twelve weeks of your DTS learning more about what true worship is.
Real ministry is the overflow of a personal relationship with Jesus. Find your voice and sound while going deeper in our Music & Worship Elective.

What Does This Elective Involve?
You will learn in a deeper way what it looks like to use your musical gifting from a place knowing your identity in Christ.
One week in your elective we will focus on songwriting and have the opportunity to write a song with a team.
Leading a Team
You will have the chance to grow as a worship leader. Learning how to lead a team well spiritually and musically. There will teachings on things like; building a set list and how to run a worship rehearsal.
Development of Skills
Through your elective, you will be given tools to grow in your specific area of musicianship through class, workshops, and mentors.
Music Theory
God has created all things with order, so one thing we’ll focus on is music theory. Don’t worry if you have no experience with this. We will do our best to meet everyone where they are at.
If you still have unanswered questions feel free to get in contact with us!
Five Reasons to do the Music & Worship Elective
The Music and Worship Elective offers teachings that will grow your musical abilities and understanding of worship, as well as opportunities for you to exercise them. Here’s five reasons to join: