The YWAM Blog

Discipleship Training School (DTS)

YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

What Are the Benefits of a Gap Year?

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Diligent students might cringe at the idea of waiting to go to college, wondering, “Won’t that put me behind?” We’d like to answer that question with another question: “Behind what?” It’s your life, and it’s not a competition.

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

What NOT To Bring On A Mission Trip

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Your suitcase will be strapped on top of a van, toted across the country in a train’s overhead rack, or […]

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Ruined For the Ordinary

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My life was ruined in DTS. Ruined to the point that sometimes I have a hard time remembering what it was like to live the way I used to. How freeing it has been to be ruined for the ordinary.

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Should I do a Discipleship Training School?

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I think we all really want adventure but aren’t sure how to satisfy that need. In God both the need for safety and the need to take risk is fully met! God’s plan for your life is so much bigger than just the 9 to 5 grind that so many of us have bought into. A DTS is all about stepping out into that risk. Doing a DTS is dangerous, because afterwards you will be ruined for the ordinary.

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YWAM Gap Year Program

Why Take a Gap Year?

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In fast-paced, career-driven America, the “gap year” – an intentional buffer between high school and college – isn’t quite so mainstream. But it’s gaining traction. We think a gap year is worth considering – and apparently, we’re not the only ones.

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How DTS Ruined My Life

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My life was ruined in DTS. Ruined to the point that sometimes I have a hard time remembering what it was like to live the way I used to…

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5 Reasons to Do a DTS

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5 Reasons to Do a DTS Ever wondered if Discipleship Training School it’s for you? We asked both current and […]

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