The YWAM Blog


YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Caleb’s Outreach Testimony

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It’s a challenge to say exactly what my favorite experience in Mexico was, but I think I’ve narrowed it down. […]

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Does Art Matter?

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“Use your gifts for the Kingdom.” “God gave you talents so that you can glorify Him with them.” “Let the […]

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YWAM Mission Trip

How to Hear the Voice of God

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I remember the first time I sat down to spend time with God with the full intention of hearing what […]

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Can I Do Missions?

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“I wasn’t made to be a missionary,” I told her. “I’m not good enough to do that type of stuff.” […]

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Launched into My Calling

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When I was a kid, I loved being outside and playing games with my siblings. One of our favorite activities […]

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

The Power of a Prayer

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It was a Tuesday afternoon in Cyprus. One of our Discipleship Training School students, Patrick, and I went throughout the […]

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Social Media On Mission

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In the context of a mission trip, social media can be a powerful tool to connect give friends and family a glimpse of our experience in a way that encourages, inspires, and challenges them.

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