15 Essentials for your Carry-on Luggage

In the world of travel there are a several kinds of packers. This includes those who pack last minute (almost literally), those who are all packed one month in advance, those who are always over prepared, and those who arrive at their destination and within a day have to go to the store because they realized they need items they though they could go without. In the mix of these and all other packing styles are those that pack carry-ons and those that don’t.

A carry-on may feel like an extra thing to carry, or an inconvenience. It also takes more time in planning ahead. If you can relate, here are two reasons why you should give the carry-on camp a second chance:

  1. On those 10+ hour long haul flights, whether it’s to freshen up or if something spills on your shirt, having a change of clothes can make a world of difference.
  2. Lost luggage is a real thing! Maybe you haven't experienced it or even know people that have. It's rare, but some people around here have had their own experiences with lost luggage. Sure, it might not be super common but when it does happen, it can be a huge bummer.


Whichever packing style fits you, if you don’t normally pack a carry-on, we suggest you do!


From our own experiences, here’s what we recommend packing in your carry-on:

1. Clothes

For long flights, a fresh outfit can be nice so you're not in the same clothes for longer than 24 hours. Just in case your luggage gets lost, you want to have a couple of outfits you can rotate until you're reunited with it. If you include nothing else, make sure you have at least a pair of fresh socks if you'll be wearing closed toed shoes and a pair of underwear. In the event of lost luggage, having an extra pair of pants and two shirts is helpful, too.

Planes can get cold so we also recommend having a sweater/ sweatshirt for warmth. Your socks will come in handy here, too. You can wear a sweater or tie it around your waist so it won’t count as a personal or carry-on item. Packing a small bag with fresh clothes in your carry-on is worth it!


2. Refillable water bottle

Things in airports tend to be more expensive including food and water, so rather than buying bottles of water, you can bring a refillable one. Most airports will have water fountains or shops where you can ask someone to fill your water bottle. If you’re concerned about space, there are collapsible bottles you can look into (like this one), or, clip a bottle to the outside of your bag. It's really easy to get dehydrated while traveling but you don't have to. A water bottle is worth the space!

3. Snacks

For tight layovers or small hankerings, be sure to pack a few snacks. International travel means there are certain snacks you won’t be allowed to bring (ie: produce, meat products, liquids or spreads over 3 oz) but nuts, dried fruit, bars, meat sticks, beef jerky and chocolate can be good options. Traveling internationally also means the snacks you like may not be available overseas, so bring some you'd enjoy even if you don't get to eating them while traveling.

Bring things that won't get smashed by other things in your bag. Often times, your flights will offer snacks. Don't be afraid to ask for extras if you're hungry! Usually they are happy to give them to you.


4. Passport 

... and other important travel documents (visa, boarding passes, any other physical tickets, directions, itinerary, travel insurance). If you're not traveling internationally, you don't need a passport, but boarding passes and travel documents (like if you're renting a car or a hotel room) are very helpful! If you have a way to organize them, awesome, if not, just know where they are. Most things are electronic these days but it's good to have paper copy just in case something happens to your devices.

PRO TIP- always have a paper copy.

5. Money

...and other valuables.

It's usually nice to have some cash on hand to exchange at the airport for your immediate needs until you can go somewhere to get more local currency. At airports, they usually take bills that are $20 USD and greater so keep that in mind as you prepare. If your suitcase gets lost and there's something you don’t want to be without, pack it in your carry-on.

PRO TIP- call your bank before departure so your card doesn't get frozen for suspicious activity, and, make sure you've insured any valuables you're concerned about getting lost or stolen.


6. Headphones/earphones

If you're on a flight with on-board enterainment, they'll have a complimentary option, but, you'd get better sound and confort from packing your own plugs.

PRO TIP- using wireless? Bring a corded pair or bluetooth receiver to use on the plane.

7. Portable charging options

(and charging block, cable, travel converter)

Usually it’s pretty easy to find an outlet but if you’re on the move or the seat you're waiting for your next flight in isn’t next to an outlet, it’s nice to have a portable charger. Once you go to a different country the outlets may be different so having a converter will be handy once you’re international. When using digital travel documents, you'll need to keep your devices charged. And, those who care about you want to know when you've reached your destination.


8. Lotion 

(and other moisturizers)

Planes can be dry! Even if you don't normally use lotion and chapstick, bring them in your carry-on. What's worse than kankles from long-haul flights? Dry kankles. Scented lotion can also help you feel like you haven't been traveling for 20+ hours. Little things like hydrated skin can keep you feeling like traveling has taken it's full toll on you.

9. Toiletries

Some long-haul flights will provide a toothbrush and toothpaste, floss, and mouth wash. Regardless, it’s worth bringing your own. Mid-travel or once you reach your destination, it’s nice to have the option to freshen up if you want to.

To Refresh: facial wipes, toothbrush / toothpaste (< 3 oz.) / floss, dry shampoo (<3 oz. and no aerosole), deoderant. 

Ladies: Hair ties or clips, Feminine products.


10. Medication

If you use medication for anything, take it with you. Remember the odds of loosing your luggage are slim but in case you do, these are things you can't go with out. You don't need to pack more than a week's worth, but think ahead and give yourself a little extra.

When traveling you may be prone to stomach issues, allergies, pain, anything. These items can be found in airports but are often times expensive, so planning ahead and bringing your own can save you money that'd, let's be honest, you'd rather spend on good food and souvenirs!

11. Wipes & Hand Sanitizer

Again, with long-haul travel, it's easy to start feeling yucky. As weird as it may sound, from our missions experience, we can tell you that baby wipes can be a life-saver when it comes to feeling fresh. If you've ever had to go on a 4-day trek with no showers, a baby wipe could be the difference between sleeping with a layer of dirt attached to you and feeling like you showered that morning.

Hand sanitizer is essential, period, but with COVID-19, it is even more essential for staying healthy and clean.


12. Entertainment

Think Kindle, book, laptop, tablet, journal & pen. Anything that's going to help keep you entertained but not take up too much space. These can be purchased while traveling but it's better to go ahead and plan for the space.


PRO TIP- download movies/shows/music beforehand while you have wifi.

13. Sleeping Aids

This could include a blindfold, earplugs, and travel pillow. Again, with long-haul flights, some airlines will provide things like eye masks and ear plugs, but that's not guaranteed. Bringing them yourself could save you and those around you from a tired version of you. Look in to blow up travel pillows if you’re concerned about space. You can usually clip a travel pillow onto the outside of your backpack so it doesn’t have to take up space inside.

sleeping aids

14. Camera

Most of us have cameras on us all the time now (hello, smart phones). Don't feel like you need to pack a nice DSLR if you don't have one, this is definitely optional, but we've heard people say they like having a camera on them to document moments of travel. Although, if you are bringing a DSLR or camera besides a smart phone, imagine if it gets lost. Yeah, let's pack that in the carry-on.

15. Mints/Gum

Sometimes fresh breath needs to happen when water and a sink aren't available. Mints or gum are sure to do the trick when you're in these little snafus. Let your mouth feel refreshed beyond having to spend time brushing your teeth each time! With air travel, the change in atmospheric pressure can cause your ears to pop. Chewing gum tends to make this more bearable, but, studies today suggest alternatives.


Now you are all set for maximum travel success even if your luggage doesn’t make it with you. Anything you'd add to this list from your own experiences? Let us know in the comments!

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YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

My Five Worst Fundraising Fails

I hear it all the time from people considering a YWAM DTS. “Where’s the money going to come from?” My testimony after 16 years of servings as a YWAM missionary is this: God has never left me hanging....
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Why Choose Louisville

Why Choose Louisville For DTS? What makes us different from other YWAM Locations? Get In Touch What's in Kentucky? Why Kentucky? These are the most frequent questions I get when I tell people that I...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

5 Ways to Ruin a Relationship

Relationships come and go, right? Here are five of our tips to help them go away a little bit quicker! 1. It’s you, you, and *clap your hands* always you. Relationships are about you feeling...
Standing by fire in YWAM Louisville

Fun Fall Things to do with Friends

Autumn is a wonderful season marked by changing colors, bonfires, harvest, boots and flannel. The air begins to feel crisp in preparation for the cold winter months. The ground is in a constant state of...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

5 Qualities of a Good Worship Leader

Is it the skinny jeans? The Taylor guitar? The brown boots? The basic t-shirt? While there are plenty of aspects to character as well as skill that could be said on this subject, here are...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

“Am I This Beautiful?”

During an impromptu children's program while visiting refugees living in a city dump, I met Luba. No more than seven years old, Luba and her family were refugees from Bangladesh forced to live in the...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

6 Quick Tips For Effective Evangelism

The simple fact about evangelism is that it's giving other people the opportunity to know God personally like you do through your own story and sharing the Gospel. It's also something every Christian is called...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Caleb’s Outreach Testimony

It's a challenge to say exactly what my favorite experience in Mexico was, but I think I've narrowed it down. For starters, I loved the team that I co-lead for Bible distribution and park ministry....
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Does Art Matter?

“Use your gifts for the Kingdom.” “God gave you talents so that you can glorify Him with them.” “Let the Lord use your talents for His purposes.” Since I was little, I have heard statements...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Do You Have a POOR Mindset?

Before I begin this topic I want to say; this is from experience and is not from a place of condemnation or annoyance. My desire is that people would live in the knowledge of God...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

How to Encourage a Missionary

I still remember being a 6 year old kid with both eyes and mouth wide open in excitement and joy as our friends opened their bags full of presents for us. Did they really come...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Should You Do a Discipleship Training School?

You may have just graduated and have a couple options in front of you but aren't sure which one will help you get the most out of your life. Maybe you're at a crossroads, or...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

From Bolivia: Everyone Can Come In

Our first week in Bolivia was spent at a boys street kids home, ages 11-19, sharing testimonies, teaching and playing games. These boys had no choice but to live on the streets to escape their...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

5 Ways to Ruin a Mission Trip

It’s coming soon: your summer mission trip. You’ve been looking forward to it for months. You’ve seen the pictures, heard the stories, and everyone says the same thing: going on a mission trip will change...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

The City is Alive

“The people who live in Louisville love it and they’re passionate about it. She’s a city that’s comfortable in her own skin. Louisville’s a city that isn’t trying to be anything more than what it...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Tips For Traveling With Kids

Are we there yet? This is a question a child usually asks when traveling, but one a parent will begin to rehearse in their mind if not prepared for traveling! Before you begin to worry about...
YWAM Mission Trip

How to Hear the Voice of God

I remember the first time I sat down to spend time with God with the full intention of hearing what he had to say. I had my Bible, my journal, my cup of coffee; I...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

What Are the Benefits of a Gap Year?

It's a longstanding tradition in England, an accepted norm in Europe and beyond. But in fast-paced, career-driven America, the "gap year" – an intentional buffer between high school and college - isn't quite so mainstream. But the gap year has gained some...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Can I Do Missions?

“I wasn’t made to be a missionary,” I told her. “I’m not good enough to do that type of stuff.” Four years ago, talking on the phone with my friend that was trying to get...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Launched into My Calling

When I was a kid, I loved being outside and playing games with my siblings. One of our favorite activities was jumping on the trampoline behind our house. Spare moments would be quickly spent by...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Do You Know the Father’s Delight?

The Father’s pleasure is so important: to know, to understand and to receive. Yet few of us live from it. We walk in the lie that we have to work for God to love us...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

The Power of a Prayer

It was a Tuesday afternoon in Cyprus. One of our Discipleship Training School students, Patrick, and I went throughout the city to do surveys with people as a way to connect and share the Gospel....
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

The Land of the Rising Sun

Back in November 2017, I was given a very sudden and special opportunity to join a team from YWAM Sarasota on their very first scouting trip to Japan.  This trip was an answer to sixteen...
Youth With A Mission DTS Louisville YWAM

6 Practical Tips to Pay for Your Mission Trip

6 Practical Tips to Pay for Your Mission Trip  what seems like a nice "trust-in-Jesus" truism is often a cop-out. Too often we’ve seen people back out of a mission trip because the funds didn’t...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

What NOT To Bring On A Mission Trip

Your suitcase will be strapped on top of a van, toted across the country in a train’s overhead rack, or cluttering the few square feet of floor space in a shared dorm room. The point?...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

From Druggie To Discipleship Maker

My life was not what it appeared. I went to church every Sunday because my parents made me go. I knew the stories, but I hated church. It was boring, full of old people, oh...

Where Are The Men?

Here at YWAM Louisville we run five missionary training schools a year. They’re life-changing programs that only last five months and include the opportunity to make an impact overseas. But here’s the sad truth: in...

Real Dating: 10 Tips & Honest Advice

Dating today is faster than it’s ever been before. With all the technology that we have now, it’s easier to speed up the dating process. Finding a suitable romantic partner has been reduced to a...

How to Build a Simple Budget: 3 Tips and Free Template

I get it!  Budgets and the process of making them can be more than most of us want to think about.  Nothing about the word budget excites us and if we’re honest, it makes us...

Social Media On Mission

Oh, social media! For many of us it feels like both a blessing and a curse – especially while we're on a mission trip. It's great staying connected with folks back home, but it's easy to...

Reading Through the Bible: 6 Tips & Printable Plan

Here at YWAM Louisville, we’ve resolved to grow in knowing God’s Word in 2017. So we're tackling a challenge: together, we’ll read chronologically through the Old Testament and Christ’s birth. Want to join us? Download the...

What to Do When You’ve Blown It

We've all had that sinking feeling: "Oh, shoot, I messed that up!" You know that ache in your heart, the internal questions. What are they thinking? How do I make this up? You've probably wondered if there's...

Write Email Updates that People Actually Read

Write Email Updates that People Actually Read If you’re like me, your own inbox is currently cluttered with missionary e-letters that you’ll never even read. Ah, technology – what a gift to the missionary! Gone...

How to write a Newsletter

You've just had a once in a lifetime experience. You will never be the same, and you want others to know about it. You want them to feel what you felt, to see what you...

My Five Worst Fundraising Fails

I hear it all the time from people considering a YWAM DTS. “Where’s the money going to come from?” My testimony after 16 years of servings as a YWAM missionary is this: God has never left me hanging....

Ruined For the Ordinary

When I came to Discipleship Training School (DTS), I was angry and bitter.  My life wasn't easy that way, and yet it was still the way I chose to live. Why? Because that meant I...

The 4 Greatest Tools For Every Missionary

What does it take to be a missionary? This is one of the many questions we run into when thinking or talking about missions work and what it takes. Here are a couple of the...

Do Mission Trips Actually Make a Difference?

What do you think of when you think of mission trips? Do you think of beaches and beautiful experiences? Do you envision holding babies or working construction? Do you think of God moving throughout the world,...

7 Phrases to Know Before Going Overseas

Going overseas involves a lot of new things: new food, new people, new culture, new climates, new sites to see, and new languages. It can be an exciting adventure of first-time experiences. A lot of the experiences...

The Power of Relationship

One night, our team was going out on ministry to connect with and share at a local youth group in Germany, which was about thirty minutes from the town where we were staying.  Up to...

Should I do a Discipleship Training School?

So you are wondering what to do next with your gap year or something similar. Whether you are looking into college or looking into ministry, you should seriously consider a Youth With A Mission Discipleship...

What does God Risk?

Risk vs Reward Activities with the greatest risk typically have the greatest rewards. Think about it. Sky-diving. Mountain climbing. Marriage. Of course, some risks aren’t worth it. But isn’t it also true that the most...
YWAM DTS mission trip to Hong Kong

I Died in East Asia

On my mission trip to East Asia, I felt that God was calling me to the roof of the house we were staying at. I took a book I had been reading, The Cost of...

Handling 5 Common Objections to Becoming a Missionary

So you know you’re called to missions. You’ve gone on a few mission trips, or maybe you’ve simply heard about what God is doing around the world and become convinced that He’s put long-term ministry...

Packing: How Should I Do It?

Packing. There are so many different ways to do it. You have your minimalists who take as little and as light as possible. Then there are  the people who take anything and everything they think they...

8 Mission Trip Hacks

We've all heard of life hacks, right? Things that you can do to make your life easier. Usually simple things, but genius. Like wrapping a rubber band around a paint can to use as something...

Staying Fit on Outreach

Let's face it - staying fit is a challenge. Not to mention trying to stay fit on a mission trip or as you are traveling in different countries. When you are away from home you...

5 Ways to Ruin Your Mission Trip

It's the beginning of the summer mission trip season, so we thought we would re-post this blog to give you ideas about how you could ruin your mission trip. Just in case you were thinking about...

The Day the Impossible Became Reality

After 15 years of praying for something we were told would never happen, God answered. Honestly, I never thought he would. Over and over, that subtle lie – "This is your life! This is the way it...
YWAM Gap Year Program

Why Take a Gap Year?

It's a longstanding tradition in England, an accepted norm in Europe and beyond. But in fast-paced, career-driven America, the "gap year" – an intentional buffer between high school and college – isn't quite so mainstream. But the gap year has gained some traction...

Social Media Fundraising for My Mission Trip?

Social Media Fundraising for My Mission Trip?   You're itching to do something you've never done before. Something in you is stirring, and you sense God is leading you to go on a mission trip....

How DTS Ruined My Life

When I came to Discipleship Training School (DTS) I was angry and bitter and although life wasn't easy that way, it was the way I chose to live. Why? Because that meant I only had...

How To Choose A Mission Trip

Interested in going on a mission trip but don’t know where to start? The number of options for mission trips can be overwhelming. Here are a few questions to help guide your decision. What kind...

YWAM Missions Playlist: The Songs That Inspire Us

Music is a heart language that God has given us. It transcends racial, social, and physical boundaries. Throughout the whole world you will hear people making music in their own unique way to express themselves. When music is...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Fundraising for DTS

When communicating with incoming DTS students a question we often receive is, "How do I come up with the money for DTS?" Here are our top tips! Pray Pray, pray, and then pray some more....
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Sharing Your Testimony

“Could you share your testimony?” Those words instill fear in our hearts. A testimony? Me? What will I say? If that sounds familiar, read our responses to the concerns we hear the most often. “I...
Youth With A Mission DTS Louisville YWAM

How to Minister Cross-culturally

Remember the first time you went to a friend’s house as a kid? For many of us, we soon discovered that not all of the same rules apply. In your house the fork is always...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Is a Mission Trip for Me?

Whether it’s summer vacation, spring break, or even a whole semester, there are a lot of ways you can spend your time. Why should a mission trip be at the top of the list? Change your...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

5 Ways to Ruin a Mission Trip

It’s coming soon: your summer mission trip. You’ve been looking forward to it for months. You’ve seen the pictures, heard the stories, and everyone says the same thing: going on a mission trip will change...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Your Funds Won’t Raise Themselves

6 Practical Tips to Pay for Your Mission Trip “If God wants me to go on this mission trip, then the money will come in.” Ever hear someone say that? (Ever said it yourself?) While...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Working to Fulfill God’s Dreams

A guest post from YWAM Louisville staff member Amos Ford. What does it take to fulfill a dream? You might say many things like determination, clear vision, or "not giving up". Often examples are cited...

What We Won’t Leave the Country Without

What We Won't Leave the Country Without We've already given you our list of 11 Essentials for your Mission Trip Packing List and the 6 Things to NOT Bring. Here, our seasoned YWAM staff plug...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Going On a Mission Trip? 6 Things NOT to Bring

6 Things Not to Bring On A Mission Trip 11 Things to Bring On A Mission Trip Don't Leave Home Without Recommendations This post is second in our series on mission trip preparedness - check...
YWAM DTS Youth With A Mission Louisville

Going On a Mission Trip? 11 Essentials for Your Packing List

11 Essentials for Your Packing List 6 Things Not to Bring What We Won't Leave Without We thought we'd share some "what-to-bring" tips for anyone who's heading out on a mission trip. Some of them...

5 Reasons to Do a DTS

5 Reasons to Do a DTS Ever wondered if Discipleship Training School it's for you? We asked both current and former DTS students, and they've given us five reasons why you should seriously consider doing...
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